V-Ray Next for Maya, update 2 version 4.30.00 from Nov 23 2019, 00:47:27 V-Ray core version is 4.30.00 Creating default plugin manager. Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray/vrayplugins/vray_*.dll" loadLibrary(C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray/vrayplugins/vray_*.dll) Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_AAFilters.dll" Found plugin "FilterPoint" Found plugin "FilterMitNet" Found plugin "FilterCookVariable" Found plugin "FilterGaussian" Found plugin "FilterSinc" Found plugin "FilterCatmullRom" Found plugin "FilterLanczos" Found plugin "FilterTriangle" Found plugin "FilterBox" Found plugin "FilterArea" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_AAFilters.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_ASGVISNode_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "ASGVISNode" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_ASGVISNode_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BakeView.dll" Found plugin "BakeView" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BakeView.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BitmapBuffer.dll" Found plugin "RawBitmapBuffer" Found plugin "BitmapBuffer" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BitmapBuffer.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFAL.dll" Found plugin "BRDFAlHair" Found plugin "BRDFAlSurface" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFAL.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFCarPaint.dll" Found plugin "BRDFFlakes" Found plugin "BRDFCarPaint" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFCarPaint.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFDiffuse_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "BRDFDiffuse_forSSSASGVIS" Found plugin "BRDFDiffuseASGVIS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFDiffuse_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFHair.dll" Found plugin "BRDFHair4" Found plugin "BRDFHair3" Found plugin "BRDFHair2" Found plugin "BRDFHair" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFHair.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFReflection_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "BRDFReflection" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFReflection_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFRefraction_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "BRDFRefraction" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFRefraction_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_brdfs.dll" Found plugin "BSDFPointParticle" Found plugin "BRDFPhong" Found plugin "BRDFMultiBump" Found plugin "BRDFMirror" Found plugin "BRDFLight" Found plugin "BRDFLayered" Found plugin "BRDFGlassGlossy" Found plugin "BRDFGlass" Found plugin "BRDFDiffuse_forSSS" Found plugin "BRDFDiffuse" Found plugin "BRDFBump" Found plugin "BRDFGGX" Found plugin "BRDFCookTorrance" Found plugin "BRDFWard" Found plugin "BRDFBlinn" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_brdfs.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFScanned.dll" Found plugin "VRScansZoneElement" Found plugin "VRScansPMaskElement" Found plugin "BRDFScanned" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFScanned.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSimbiont.dll" Found plugin "BRDFSimbiont" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSimbiont.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSSS.dll" Found plugin "BRDFSSS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSSS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSSS2.dll" Found plugin "BRDFScatterVolume" Found plugin "BRDFSkinComplex" Found plugin "BRDFSSS2Complex" Found plugin "BRDFSSS2" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFSSS2.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFStochasticFlakes.dll" Found plugin "BRDFStochasticFlakes" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFStochasticFlakes.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFThunderLoom.dll" Found plugin "BRDFThunderLoom" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFThunderLoom.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFToon.dll" Found plugin "BRDFToonMtl" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFToon.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFVRayMtl.dll" Found plugin "BRDFVRayMtl" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_BRDFVRayMtl.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_CameraPhysical.dll" Found plugin "CameraPhysical" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_CameraPhysical.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_cameras.dll" Found plugin "CameraFilmTransform" Found plugin "CameraDome" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_cameras.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_cameras_private.dll" Found plugin "VRayStereoscopicSettings" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_cameras_private.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomBifrost.dll" Found plugin "TexOpenVDB" Found plugin "GeomBifrost" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomBifrost.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_geometry.dll" Found plugin "GeomBox" Found plugin "GeomImagePlane" Found plugin "GeomMeshLoader" Found plugin "GeomMeshTest" Found plugin "GeomPlane" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_geometry.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_geometry_private.dll" Found plugin "GeomPartio" Found plugin "VRayObjectProperties" Found plugin "GeomMayaHair" Found plugin "GeomHair" Found plugin "GeomMeshFile" Found plugin "GeomMetaballSystem" Found plugin "GeomParticleSystem" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_geometry_private.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomInfinitePlane_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "GeomInfinitePlane" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomInfinitePlane_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomLocalRayserver.dll" Found plugin "GeomRayserverInstancer" Found plugin "GeomLocalRayserver" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomLocalRayserver.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomSphere_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "GeomSphere" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomSphere_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticDisplacedMesh.dll" Found plugin "GeomDisplacedMesh" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticDisplacedMesh.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticMesh.dll" Found plugin "GeomStaticMesh" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticMesh.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticNurbs.dll" Found plugin "TrimmingRegion" Found plugin "TrimmingRegionsComplex" Found plugin "NURBSCurve" Found plugin "GeomStaticNURBS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticNurbs.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticSmoothedMesh.dll" Found plugin "GeomStaticSmoothedMesh" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_GeomStaticSmoothedMesh.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Instancer.dll" Found plugin "Instancer2" Found plugin "Instancer" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Instancer.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightDome.dll" Found plugin "LightDome" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightDome.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightIES.dll" Found plugin "LightIESMax" Found plugin "LightIES" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightIES.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightMesh.dll" Found plugin "LightMesh" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightMesh.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightRectangle.dll" Found plugin "LightRectangle" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_LightRectangle.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_lights.dll" Found plugin "MayaLightDirect" Found plugin "LightSpot" Found plugin "LightSphere" Found plugin "LightAmbient" Found plugin "LightOmni" Found plugin "LightDirectModo" Found plugin "LightDirect" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_lights.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MaterialOverrider.dll" Found plugin "MaterialOverrider" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MaterialOverrider.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_materials.dll" Found plugin "MtlWrapperMaya" Found plugin "MtlWrapper" Found plugin "MtlSingleBRDF" Found plugin "MtlRenderStats" Found plugin "MtlMayaRamp" Found plugin "MtlOverride" Found plugin "MtlMulti" Found plugin "MtlMaterialID" Found plugin "MtlDoubleSided" Found plugin "Mtl2Sided" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_materials.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlAngleBlend_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "MtlAngleBlend" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlAngleBlend_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlASGVIS_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "MtlASGVIS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlASGVIS_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlGLSL.dll" Found plugin "MtlGLSL" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlGLSL.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlMDL.dll" Found plugin "MtlMDL" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlMDL.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlOSL.dll" Found plugin "MtlOSL" Found plugin "TexOSLOutputSelector" Found plugin "TexOSL" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlOSL.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlRoundEdges.dll" Found plugin "MtlRoundEdges" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlRoundEdges.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlSkp2Sided_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "MtlSkp2Sided" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlSkp2Sided_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlToon_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "MtlToon" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_MtlToon_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_mtlvrmat.dll" Found plugin "MtlVRmat" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_mtlvrmat.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Node.dll" Found plugin "Node" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Node.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_phxshader.dll" Found plugin "PhxShaderTexAlpha" Found plugin "PhxShaderSimVol" Found plugin "PhxShaderPrtLoader" Found plugin "PhxShaderPGroup" Found plugin "PhxShaderFoam" Found plugin "PhxShaderSim" Found plugin "PhxShaderCache" Found plugin "PhxShaderOceanTex" Found plugin "PhxShaderParticleTex" Found plugin "PhxShaderTex" Found plugin "PhxShaderSimMesh" Found plugin "PhxShaderSimGeom" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_phxshader.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_ptexbaker.dll" Found plugin "SettingsPtexBaker" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_ptexbaker.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelColor.dll" Found plugin "RenderChannelLightSelect" Found plugin "RenderChannelLightingAnalysis" Found plugin "RenderChannelToon" Found plugin "RenderChannelInvertedFloat" Found plugin "RenderChannelDenoiser" Found plugin "RenderChannelDRBucket" Found plugin "RenderChannelMtlID" Found plugin "RenderChannelNodeID" Found plugin "RenderChannelCoverage" Found plugin "RenderChannelExtraTexInt" Found plugin "RenderChannelExtraTexFloat" Found plugin "RenderChannelExtraTex" Found plugin "RenderChannelVelocity" Found plugin "RenderChannelRenderID" Found plugin "RenderChannelZDepth" Found plugin "RenderChannelBumpNormals" Found plugin "RenderChannelNormals" Found plugin "RenderChannelInteger" Found plugin "RenderChannelGlossiness" Found plugin "RenderChannelColorModo" Found plugin "RenderChannelColor" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelColor.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelCryptomatte.dll" Found plugin "RenderChannelCryptomatte" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelCryptomatte.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelMultiMatte.dll" Found plugin "RenderChannelObjectSelect" Found plugin "RenderChannelMultiMatte" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderChannelMultiMatte.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderView.dll" Found plugin "CameraDefault" Found plugin "RenderView" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RenderView.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RTEngine.dll" Found plugin "SettingsRTEngine" Found plugin "RTEngine" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_RTEngine.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Settings.dll" Found plugin "InfoRenderEngine" Found plugin "SettingsVFB" Found plugin "SettingsUnitsInfo" Found plugin "SettingsTextureCache" Found plugin "SettingsRenderChannels" Found plugin "SettingsRegionsGenerator" Found plugin "SettingsRaycaster" Found plugin "SettingsDMCSampler" Found plugin "SettingsDMCGI" Found plugin "SettingsPhotonMap" Found plugin "SettingsTGA" Found plugin "SettingsSGI" Found plugin "SettingsTIFF" Found plugin "SettingsJPEG" Found plugin "SettingsPNG" Found plugin "SettingsVRST" Found plugin "SettingsEXR" Found plugin "OutputDeepWriter" Found plugin "SettingsOutput" Found plugin "SettingsOptions" Found plugin "SettingsMotionBlur" Found plugin "SettingsMemoryTracker" Found plugin "SettingsLightTree" Found plugin "SettingsLightCache" Found plugin "SettingsLightLinker" Found plugin "SettingsIrradianceMap" Found plugin "SettingsImageSampler" Found plugin "SettingsHair" Found plugin "SettingsGI" Found plugin "SettingsEnvironment" Found plugin "SettingsDefaultDisplacement" Found plugin "SettingsCurrentFrame" Found plugin "SettingsColorMappingModo" Found plugin "SettingsColorMapping" Found plugin "SettingsCaustics" Found plugin "SettingsCameraDof" Found plugin "SettingsCamera" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_Settings.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsDR_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "SettingsDR" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsDR_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsImageFilter_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "SettingsImageFilter" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsImageFilter_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsRenderChannels_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "SettingsVFBChannels" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SettingsRenderChannels_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SphericalHarmonics.dll" Found plugin "SphericalHarmonicsRenderer" Found plugin "SphericalHarmonicsExporter" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_SphericalHarmonics.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_sunsky.dll" Found plugin "VolumeAerialPerspective" Found plugin "TexSky" Found plugin "SunLight" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_sunsky.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexCellular.dll" Found plugin "TexCellular" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexCellular.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexCurvature.dll" Found plugin "TexCurvature" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexCurvature.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_texdistance.dll" Found plugin "TexDistance" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_texdistance.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexFalloff_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "TexFalloffASGVIS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexFalloff_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexFresnel_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "TexFresnelASGVIS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexFresnel_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexMax.dll" Found plugin "TexWaves" Found plugin "TexThinFilm" Found plugin "TexComplexFresnel" Found plugin "TexDent" Found plugin "TexMaxHairInfo" Found plugin "TexMaxGamma" Found plugin "TexColorToFloat" Found plugin "TexFloatToColor" Found plugin "TexRGBMultiplyMax" Found plugin "TexRGBTintMax" Found plugin "TexCombineColorLightMtl" Found plugin "TexCombineColor" Found plugin "TexCombineFloat" Found plugin "TexNormalMapFlip" Found plugin "TexOutput" Found plugin "UVWGenObjectBBox" Found plugin "MtlObjBBox" Found plugin "TexGradient" Found plugin "TexFalloff" Found plugin "TexNoiseMax" Found plugin "TexMaskMax" Found plugin "TexMix" Found plugin "TexMarbleMax" Found plugin "TexSwirl" Found plugin "TexTiles" Found plugin "TexSpeckle" Found plugin "TexSmoke" Found plugin "TexStucco" Found plugin "TexSplat" Found plugin "TexLayeredMax" Found plugin "TexGradRamp" Found plugin "TexCompMax" Found plugin "ColorCorrect" Found plugin "ColorTextureToMono" Found plugin "ColorCorrection" Found plugin "TexBerconWood" Found plugin "TexBerconTile" Found plugin "TexBerconNoise" Found plugin "TexBerconGrad" Found plugin "TexBerconDistortion" Found plugin "LightAmbientMax" Found plugin "LightDirectMax" Found plugin "LightSpotMax" Found plugin "LightOmniMax" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexMax.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexMaya.dll" Found plugin "TexDistanceToObject" Found plugin "TexMayaStucco" Found plugin "TexMayaSolidFractal" Found plugin "TexMayaMountain" Found plugin "TexMayaLeather" Found plugin "TexMayaCloth" Found plugin "TexHairSampler" Found plugin "TexVRayFurSampler" Found plugin "TexMayaHairTransparency" Found plugin "TexMayaHairIncandescence" Found plugin "TexMayaHairColor" Found plugin "TexMayaFluidTransformed" Found plugin "TexMayaFluidCombined" Found plugin "TexMayaFluidProcedural" Found plugin "TexMayaFluid" Found plugin "TexBifrostVVMix" Found plugin "TexSurfaceLuminance" Found plugin "ParticleTex" Found plugin "TexUserInteger" Found plugin "TexUserScalar" Found plugin "TexUserColor" Found plugin "TexNoiseMaya" Found plugin "TexTemperatureToColor" Found plugin "MtlStreakFade" Found plugin "TexVertexColorDirect" Found plugin "TexMayaConversion" Found plugin "TexStencil" Found plugin "TexColorAndAlpha" Found plugin "TexLuminance" Found plugin "TexMeshVertexColorChannel" Found plugin "TexMeshVertexColorWithDefault" Found plugin "TexMeshVertexColor" Found plugin "TexMayaContrast" Found plugin "TexUVWGenToTexture" Found plugin "TexCondition2" Found plugin "TransformToTex" Found plugin "FloatToTex" Found plugin "TexPlusMinusAverage" Found plugin "TexDistanceBetween" Found plugin "TexVectorToColor" Found plugin "TexVectorProduct" Found plugin "TexSetRange" Found plugin "TexHSVToRGB" Found plugin "TexRGBToHSV" Found plugin "MayaProjectionTex" Found plugin "UVWGenMayaPlace2dTexture" Found plugin "MayaMtlMatte" Found plugin "MayaGamma" Found plugin "MayaMultiplyDivide" Found plugin "TexSimplexNoise" Found plugin "TexFloatComposite" Found plugin "TexComposite" Found plugin "TexFloatMask" Found plugin "TexColorMask" Found plugin "TexFloatLogic" Found plugin "TexColorLogic" Found plugin "TexFloatCorrect" Found plugin "TexColorCorrect" Found plugin "TexFloatConstant" Found plugin "TexColorConstant" Found plugin "TexFloatCondition" Found plugin "TexColorCondition" Found plugin "TexAnimationCurve" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexMaya.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexModo.dll" Found plugin "TexModoUVResetAndFalloff" Found plugin "UVWGenModo" Found plugin "TexModoLowHigh" Found plugin "TexModoSwizzle" Found plugin "TexModoRayType" Found plugin "TexModoChanModLogic" Found plugin "TexModoChanModColorCorrect" Found plugin "TexModoOpacityToVRayWeight" Found plugin "TexModoProcessFloat" Found plugin "TexModoProcess" Found plugin "TexModoExtractAlpha" Found plugin "TexModoExtractColor" Found plugin "TexModoStencil" Found plugin "TexModoBlendLayersScalar" Found plugin "TexModoBlendLayersColor" Found plugin "TexModoFresnelSchlick" Found plugin "TexModoInvertFloat" Found plugin "TexModoInvert" Found plugin "TexModoInvertChannels" Found plugin "TexModoSampler" Found plugin "TexModoEnvironmentColor" Found plugin "TexModoRefractionRoughness" Found plugin "TexModoReflectionRoughness" Found plugin "TexModoSpecularRoughness" Found plugin "TexModoDiffuseRoughness" Found plugin "TexModoMaxColorComponent" Found plugin "MtlSelectRE" Found plugin "BRDFModoUnity" Found plugin "BRDFModoUnreal" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexModo.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexNoise_ASGVIS.dll" Found plugin "TexNoiseASGVIS" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexNoise_ASGVIS.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexNuke.dll" Found plugin "TexLayeredNuke" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexNuke.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexSoftbox.dll" Found plugin "TexSoftbox" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexSoftbox.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_textures.dll" Found plugin "TexDirt" Found plugin "TexForestColor" Found plugin "TexTriPlanar" Found plugin "TexWood" Found plugin "TexUVW" Found plugin "TexTemperature" Found plugin "UVWGenSwitch" Found plugin "TexSwitchInt" Found plugin "TexSwitchTransform" Found plugin "TexSwitchMatrix" Found plugin "TexSwitchFloat" Found plugin "TexSwitch" Found plugin "TexSnow" Found plugin "TexMotionOcclusion" Found plugin "TexIntToFloat" Found plugin "TexAColorChannel" Found plugin "Float3ToAColor" Found plugin "TexAColorOp" Found plugin "TexFloatOp" Found plugin "TexVectorOp" Found plugin "TexSampler" Found plugin "TexRock" Found plugin "TexRemapFloat" Found plugin "TexRemap" Found plugin "TexRaySwitch" Found plugin "TexRamp" Found plugin "TexParticleId" Found plugin "TexParticleSampler" Found plugin "TexParticleDiffuse" Found plugin "TexIDIntegerMap" Found plugin "TexNoise" Found plugin "TexInt" Found plugin "TexFloat" Found plugin "TexMultiFloat" Found plugin "TexMulti" Found plugin "TexMultiX" Found plugin "TexMarble" Found plugin "TexLut" Found plugin "TexLeather" Found plugin "TexLayered" Found plugin "TexInvertFloat" Found plugin "TexInvert" Found plugin "TexICC" Found plugin "TexGrid" Found plugin "TexGranite" Found plugin "TexFresnel" Found plugin "TexEdges" Found plugin "TexCustomBitmap" Found plugin "TexCloth" Found plugin "TexCondition" Found plugin "TexClamp" Found plugin "TexChecker" Found plugin "TexBulge" Found plugin "TexBlendBumpNormal" Found plugin "TexBlend" Found plugin "TexBitmap" Found plugin "TexAColor" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_textures.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_textures_private.dll" Found plugin "TexExtMaterialID" Found plugin "ExtMapChannels" Found plugin "TexBezierCurveColor" Found plugin "TexBezierCurve" Found plugin "TexPtex" Found plugin "TexOCIO" Found plugin "TexVoxelData" Found plugin "TexThickness" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_textures_private.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexWater.dll" Found plugin "TexWater" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexWater.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexXSI.dll" Found plugin "volumeXSIMulti" Found plugin "xsiUVWGenEnvironment" Found plugin "xsiUVWGenChannel" Found plugin "TexXSIVertexColorLookup" Found plugin "TexXSIWeightmapColorLookup" Found plugin "TexXSIWeightmapLookup" Found plugin "TexXSILayered" Found plugin "TexXSISnow" Found plugin "texRenderHair" Found plugin "TexParticleShape" Found plugin "TexXSIMulti" Found plugin "TexXSIColorMix" Found plugin "TexXSIScalarInvert" Found plugin "TexXSIColorBalance" Found plugin "TexXSIRGBAKeyer" Found plugin "TexXSIHLSAdjust" Found plugin "TexXSIIntensity" Found plugin "TexXSIColorCorrection" Found plugin "texXSIColor2Vector" Found plugin "texXSIColor2Alpha" Found plugin "TexXSIScalar2Color" Found plugin "TexColor2Scalar" Found plugin "TexXSINormalMap" Found plugin "TexXSIBitmap" Found plugin "TexXSIGradient" Found plugin "TexXSIWood" Found plugin "TexXSIVein" Found plugin "TexSurfIncidence" Found plugin "TexScalarMathBasic" Found plugin "TexXSIRock" Found plugin "TexXSIRipple" Found plugin "TexRgbaCombine" Found plugin "TexRgbaSplit" Found plugin "TexFloatPerVertexHairSampler" Found plugin "TexPerVertexHairSampler" Found plugin "TexScalarHairRootSampler" Found plugin "TexHairRootSampler" Found plugin "TexXSIFlagstone" Found plugin "TexColorCurve" Found plugin "TexScalarCurve" Found plugin "TexXSIFalloff" Found plugin "TexXSIFabric" Found plugin "TexColorExponential" Found plugin "TexScalarExponential" Found plugin "TexDisplacacementRestrict" Found plugin "TexColorSwitch" Found plugin "TexColorMathBasic" Found plugin "TexColorAverage" Found plugin "TexColor8Mix" Found plugin "TexInterpLinear" Found plugin "TexXSICell" Found plugin "TexBillboardParticle" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_TexXSI.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_uvwgens.dll" Found plugin "UVWGenProjection" Found plugin "TexMultiProjection" Found plugin "UVWGenPlanarWorld" Found plugin "UVWGenObject" Found plugin "UVWGenExplicit" Found plugin "UVWGenEnvironment" Found plugin "UVWGenChannel" Found plugin "UVWGenBercon" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_uvwgens.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_vertexbaker.dll" Found plugin "SettingsVertexBaker" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_vertexbaker.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_volumetrics.dll" Found plugin "EnvFogMeshGizmo" Found plugin "EnvironmentFog" Found plugin "VolumeChannels" Found plugin "VolumeMulti" Found plugin "SphereFadeGizmo" Found plugin "SphereFade" Found plugin "VolumeVRayToon" Found plugin "VolumeScatterFog" Found plugin "VolumeFog" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_volumetrics.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_VRayClipper.dll" Found plugin "VRayClipper" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_VRayClipper.dll" loaded Loading plugin "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_vrsceneloader.dll" Found plugin "PluginParameterStore" Found plugin "VRaySceneAsset" Found plugin "VRayScene" Plugin library "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2019\vray\vrayplugins\vray_vrsceneloader.dll" loaded 83 plugin(s) loaded successfully Finished loading plugins. Registered dynamic node vrayMultiProjection (id: 1115335/0x001104C7) Registered dynamic node VRayCurvature (id: 1115347/0x001104D3) Registered dynamic node VRayTriplanar (id: 1115362/0x001104E2) Registered dynamic node VRayPointParticleMtl (id: 1115353/0x001104D9) Registered dynamic node VRayStochasticFlakesMtl (id: 1115359/0x001104DF) Registered dynamic node VRayAlSurface (id: 1115350/0x001104D6) Registered dynamic node VRayHairNextMtl (id: 1115320/0x001104B8) Registered dynamic node VRayBerconNoise (id: 1115370/0x001104EA) cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -width 8000 -height 8000 -camera PoseCamera -layer defaultRenderLayer Creating and initializing renderer. Creating exporter. Exporting scene to V-Ray. Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s) Exporting render settings. No V-Ray scene file name specified; using Maya scene name No image file name specified; using scene name Using image file prefix "tmp/BTS_Robin_AtLocker_01" Exporting scene lights. NDAG: 4422 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Material_Select - RenderChannelColor - E8248720 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Render_ID - RenderChannelRenderID - 68734110 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflection - RenderChannelColor - E8248AB0 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Diffuse - RenderChannelColor - E82485F0 Exporting scene geometry and materials. Number of dependency nodes: 7303 Translating scene geometry for V-Ray (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.5s): 35 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 58 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 60 % completed Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.7s (0.7 s) Rendering. Clearing bitmap cache memory... Setting up sequence data. Setting render channels. Rendering frames. cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -isRendering vrend result: true Updating frame at time 0.00 (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 39 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 59 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 81 % completed Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.2s (0.2 s) Calling beginSequence(). GI engines: 'Brute force' and 'Light cache' Preparing renderer... Using Intel Embree ray server Preparing scene for rendering... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Preparing scene for rendering... [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.000000 [RenderView] numCameraTMs=1, numFrames=1, frameSamples=1 Tiled texture cache set to 4000 MB Creating bitmap manager Bitmap manager created. Enabling consistent lighting elements because adaptive dome light is enabled for light VRayLightDomeShape1. (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.0s): 10 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.6s): 20 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 30 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 40 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 50 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 60 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 70 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 80 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 90 % completed Scanning scene for light plugins. 11 lights found. Using adaptive light evaluation with 8 lights. Light tree is enabled with clamp coefficient 0.1 and even split coefficient 0.5. Creating render callback from built-in VFB. Initializing built-in VFB. OpenEXR compression type is 3 OpenEXR data window: render region VFB writing to raw image file [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.000000 [RenderView] numCameraTMs=1, numFrames=1, frameSamples=1 Using normal thread priority. Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness. Consistent lighting elements are enabled. Registered 1 internal light select elements. Preparing camera sampler. Preparing scene for frame... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Preparing scene for frame... Dome light resolution increased from 512 to 2048 for light "VRayLightDomeShape1" Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGBE32 Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 23.9s): 10 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 10.7s): 20 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 6.3s): 30 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 4.1s): 40 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 2.8s): 50 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.8s): 60 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB24 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif" loaded. (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.3s): 70 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.8s): 80 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 90 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png" loaded. Compiling geometry... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Compiling geometry... Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.6s): 10 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg" loaded. Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 21.7s): 20 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 14.4s): 30 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 11.0s): 40 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 9.4s): 50 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 7.0s): 60 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg" loaded. Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 6.7s): 70 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 17.6s): 80 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 9.3s): 90 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Preparing ray server. Using Embree ray tracing. (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Building Embree static accelerator... Exception [module=1] : Preparing ray server Number of raycasts: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Camera rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Shadow rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) GI rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Reflection rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Refraction rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Unshaded rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Peak memory for frame 0: 106.11 GiB collected for 24 categories Peak memory for "Bitmap": 907.69 MiB Peak memory for "Bucket image sampler": < 1 MiB Peak memory for "Dynamic displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Lights": 81.00 MiB Peak memory for "Misc.": 16.42 MiB Peak memory for "Misc. displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Misc. geometry": < 1 MiB Peak memory for "Misc. moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Misc. moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Progressive image sampler": 0 B Peak memory for "Static displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static geometry": 30.45 GiB Peak memory for "Static hair": 54.99 MiB Peak memory for "Static moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static moving hair": 0 B Peak memory for "Tiled bitmap": 0 B Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya exporter": 5.90 MiB Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya keyframes": 27.91 MiB Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya misc.": 70.76 GiB Peak memory for "VFB": 3.84 GiB Clearing global light manager. Clearing direct light manager. Number of light evaluations: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Clearing ray server. Maximum memory usage for resman: 0.00 MB Clearing geometry. Number of intersectable primitives: 680923878 SD triangles: 680923877 MB triangles: 0 Static primitives: 0 Moving primitives: 0 Infinite primitives: 1 Static hair segments: 0 Moving hair segments: 0 Clearing camera image sampler. Clearing camera sampler. Clearing DMC sampler. Clearing path sampler. Clearing color mapper. Total frame time 0h 2m 9.2s (129.2 s) Calling endSequence(). Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png" unloaded. Cleaning up bitmap manager Maximum memory usage for texman: 0.00 MB Total sequence time 0h 2m 9.5s (129.5 s) Exiting render(). Render interrupted ======================== Clearing exporter memory... Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s) cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -isRendering vrend result: false cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -width 8000 -height 8000 -camera PoseCamera -layer defaultRenderLayer Creating and initializing renderer. Creating exporter. Exporting scene to V-Ray. Light links have not changed since the last render, no need to update them. Exporting render settings. No V-Ray scene file name specified; using Maya scene name No image file name specified; using scene name Using image file prefix "tmp/BTS_Robin_AtLocker_01" Exporting scene lights. NDAG: 4422 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Material_Select - RenderChannelColor - BEF1C430 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Render_ID - RenderChannelRenderID - 6873A800 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Reflection - RenderChannelColor - BEF1CC80 + creating plugin: vrayRE_Diffuse - RenderChannelColor - BEF1C560 Exporting scene geometry and materials. Number of dependency nodes: 7303 Translating scene geometry for V-Ray (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s): 24 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 58 % completed Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.3s (0.3 s) Rendering. Clearing bitmap cache memory... Setting up sequence data. Setting render channels. Rendering frames. cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -isRendering vrend result: true Updating frame at time 0.00 (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 85 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 99 % completed Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.1s (0.1 s) Calling beginSequence(). GI engines: 'Brute force' and 'Light cache' Preparing renderer... Using Intel Embree ray server Preparing scene for rendering... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Preparing scene for rendering... [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.000000 [RenderView] numCameraTMs=1, numFrames=1, frameSamples=1 Tiled texture cache set to 4000 MB Creating bitmap manager Bitmap manager created. Enabling consistent lighting elements because adaptive dome light is enabled for light VRayLightDomeShape1. (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.4s): 10 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 20 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 30 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.2s): 40 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 50 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 60 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 70 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 80 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 90 % completed Scanning scene for light plugins. 11 lights found. Using adaptive light evaluation with 8 lights. Light tree is enabled with clamp coefficient 0.1 and even split coefficient 0.5. Creating render callback from built-in VFB. Initializing built-in VFB. OpenEXR compression type is 3 OpenEXR data window: render region VFB writing to raw image file [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=1.000000 [RenderView] numCameraTMs=1, numFrames=1, frameSamples=1 Using normal thread priority. Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness. Consistent lighting elements are enabled. Registered 1 internal light select elements. Preparing camera sampler. Preparing scene for frame... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Preparing scene for frame... Dome light resolution increased from 512 to 2048 for light "VRayLightDomeShape1" Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGBE32 Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 23.7s): 10 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 10.7s): 20 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 6.2s): 30 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 4.0s): 40 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 2.7s): 50 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.8s): 60 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB24 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif" loaded. (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 1.3s): 70 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.8s): 80 % completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 90 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png" loaded. Compiling geometry... (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Compiling geometry... Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.3s): 10 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg" loaded. Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 23.2s): 20 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 15.2s): 30 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 11.7s): 40 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 9.9s): 50 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 7.5s): 60 % completed Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg" loaded. Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Create bitmap buffer for O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg: MipMapBmpBuf for mipmap=None pixelformat=RGB32 Optimized bitmap buffer for file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg": MipMapBmpBuf from MipMapBmpBuf Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg" loaded. Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 6.8s): 70 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 18.1s): 80 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 9.6s): 90 % completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Setting up 60 thread(s) Qt threads completed Preparing ray server. Using Embree ray tracing. (Estimated time remaining: ...): 0 % completed Building Embree static accelerator... Exception [module=1] : Preparing ray server Number of raycasts: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Camera rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Shadow rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) GI rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Reflection rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Refraction rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Unshaded rays: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Peak memory for frame 0: 106.13 GiB collected for 24 categories Peak memory for "Bitmap": 907.69 MiB Peak memory for "Bucket image sampler": < 1 MiB Peak memory for "Dynamic displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Dynamic moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Lights": 81.00 MiB Peak memory for "Misc.": 16.42 MiB Peak memory for "Misc. displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Misc. geometry": < 1 MiB Peak memory for "Misc. moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Misc. moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Progressive image sampler": 0 B Peak memory for "Static displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static geometry": 30.45 GiB Peak memory for "Static hair": 54.99 MiB Peak memory for "Static moving displaced geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static moving geometry": 0 B Peak memory for "Static moving hair": 0 B Peak memory for "Tiled bitmap": 0 B Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya exporter": 5.90 MiB Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya keyframes": 27.91 MiB Peak memory for "V-Ray for Maya misc.": 70.78 GiB Peak memory for "VFB": 3.84 GiB Clearing global light manager. Clearing direct light manager. Number of light evaluations: 0 (0.00 per pixel) Clearing ray server. Maximum memory usage for resman: 0.00 MB Clearing geometry. Number of intersectable primitives: 680923878 SD triangles: 680923877 MB triangles: 0 Static primitives: 0 Moving primitives: 0 Infinite primitives: 1 Static hair segments: 0 Moving hair segments: 0 Clearing camera image sampler. Clearing camera sampler. Clearing DMC sampler. Clearing path sampler. Clearing color mapper. Total frame time 0h 2m 10.4s (130.4 s) Calling endSequence(). Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/18.hdr" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceDefault.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/LegsDisplaceMac.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/tipDanFeatherA.tif" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/WaxDisplace.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/paper_fur_mask.jpg" unloaded. Bitmap file "O:/Jobs/098_FP_CrayolaTips/textures/CrayolaBackpack/Side_Pockets_Alpha.png" unloaded. Cleaning up bitmap manager Maximum memory usage for texman: 0.00 MB Total sequence time 0h 2m 10.7s (130.7 s) Exiting render(). Render interrupted ======================== Clearing exporter memory... Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s) cmd: vrend -q vrend result: false cmd: vrend -isRendering vrend result: false