shader 5ee07be0 stats (shadow/direct) steps:4294967295/4294967295 collected prt:4294967295/4294967295 cycles:4294967295/4294967295 post load - file version 30 created with buildID 1606126821 foam post load Pre render-------------------------------------- Pre render moblur time:0.000000 build mesh for PhoenixFDLiquid001 t:0 <---- V V V V V BeginFrame of 7722a370 PHXFoam001 set liquid interfaces: Sp:0 pg:0 pobjx:5ea9d7e8 skip empty particle system PG [Splashes] of system [PhoenixFDLiquid001] shader 7722a370 stats (shadow/direct) steps:4294967295/4294967295 collected prt:4294967295/4294967295 cycles:4294967295/4294967295 Post render--------------------------------------Post render ~Post render--------------------------------------Post render