Max start 2016.06.14 03:57 Installed VRay 32501 Windows ver: 6 3ds max ver: 19 Target renderer: VRay 3.x Platform: 64 Build ID:1606136822 Memory info: total: 15.891GB, free: 13.797GB MAX::DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH setGlobalThreadManager PHXToolbar: NOTIFY_TOOLBARS_POST_LOAD PHXToolbar: NOTIFY_TOOLBARS_POST_LOAD PHXToolbar: NOTIFY_POST_WORKSPACE_CHANGE PHXToolbar: NOTIFY_POST_WORKSPACE_CHANGE post load - file version 30 created with buildID 1606136822 foam post load Pre render-------------------------------------- Pre render frame loaded \\Porterhouse\h\Luce\WaterSim\a_####.aur, 0 moblur time:0.000000 build mesh for PhoenixFDLiquid001 t:0 <---- V V V V V expand 0.006983 displ scale:1.000000 march cubes build smap:0.013169 march cubes vertices:0.003774 march cubes interest:0.002036 march cubes conn time: 0.001240 result vertices:12800 triangles:25592 mesher: extend time 0.001642 vertices:12800 triangles:25592 mesher: smooth 0.000203 mesher: normals 0.000520 normals filtering:0.000197 meshing: vertices:12800 triangles:25592 time:0.024817 mesh normals:0.015693 ~buildmesh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BeginFrame of 574db9d0 PHXFoam001 set liquid interfaces: Sp:0 pg:0 pobjx:4e9668e8 particles to collect:12 build tree 574db9d0 mode:2 particles 7, shift:0 bbox:1.699042 -0.484235 83.533638 / 3.729530 3.798353 86.738785 ~beginframe PHXFoam001 ^^^^^^^^^ shader 574db9d0 stats (shadow/direct) steps:19196/84118 collected prt:0/0 cycles:0/0 Post render--------------------------------------Post render ~Post render--------------------------------------Post render