Starting "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\bin\mayabatch.exe" [2017/Apr/24|20:11:44] V-Ray: V-Ray for Maya version 3.52.01 from Mar 27 2017, 15:50:58 [2017/Apr/24|20:11:44] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 3.52.01 [2017/Apr/24|20:11:44] V-Ray: Loading plugins from "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\vray/vrayplugins/vray_*.dll" [2017/Apr/24|20:11:45] V-Ray: 77 plugin(s) loaded successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:11:45] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node vrayMultiProjection (id: 1115335/0x001104C7) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayCurvature (id: 1115347/0x001104D3) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayTriplanar (id: 1115362/0x001104E2) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRaySkinMtl (id: 1115348/0x001104D4) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayPointParticleMtl (id: 1115353/0x001104D9) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayStochasticFlakesMtl (id: 1115359/0x001104DF) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:46] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayAlSurface (id: 1115350/0x001104D6) Initialized VP2.0 renderer { Version : 2016.3.71.11. Feature Level 5. Adapter : GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 Vendor ID: 4318. Device ID : 7040 Driver : . API : OpenGL V.4.5. Max texture size : 16384 * 16384. Max tex coords : 32 Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5). Shader compiler profile : (Best card profile) Active stereo support available : 0 GPU Memory Limit : 8192 MB. CPU Memory Limit: 31071.3 MB. } OpenCL evaluator is attempting to initialize OpenCL. Detected 1 OpenCL Platforms: 0: NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA CUDA. OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 8.0.0. Supported extensions: cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer OpenCL evaluator choosing OpenCL platform NVIDIA Corporation. OpenCL evaluator is unable to find a GPU device that can share VBOs with OpenGL. pymel.core : INFO : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: invertShape, mayaHIK, GamePipeline, curveWarp, CloudImportExport, tiffFloatReader, MASH, poseInterpolator, bifrostvisplugin, hairPhysicalShader, ATFPlugin, ikSpringSolver, ik2Bsolver, xgenToolkit, AbcExport, retargeterNodes, vrayformaya, gameFbxExporter, VectorRender, OpenEXRLoader, lookdevKit, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, Type, fbxmaya 00:00:00 558MB WARNING | [mtoa] [renderSetup] [node applyAbsFloatOverride] Assigning temporary node id 1138176 to associated Maya type name applyAbsFloatOverride. 00:00:00 558MB WARNING | [mtoa] [renderSetup] [node applyAbs2FloatsOverride] Assigning temporary node id 1138177 to associated Maya type name applyAbs2FloatsOverride. 00:00:00 558MB WARNING | [mtoa] [renderSetup] [node applyAbs3FloatsOverride] Assigning temporary node id 1138178 to associated Maya type name applyAbs3FloatsOverride. Maya 2017 importing module pymel 1.0.9 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\ Error: file: C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/ApplicationPlugins/MayaBonusTools-2014-2017/Contents/scripts-2017/bonusToolsMenu.mel line 1670: UI commands can't be run in batch mode. Pixar's RfM 21.3 (@1715407 Feb 15 2017), RMS 21.3, RenderMan 21.3 @1715407 Error: line 1: file: C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManForMaya-21.3-maya2017/scripts/rmanProjectionEditorPrefs.mel line 444: Cannot find procedure "rpeGetNodeTypes". Error: line 1: file: C:/Program Files/Pixar/RenderManForMaya-21.3-maya2017/scripts/rmanProjectionEditorPrefs.mel line 450: Cannot find procedure "rpeGetNodeTypes". Warning: OpenSubdiv gets different edge topology to Maya poly. Warning: Fail to create OpenSubdiv TopologyRefiner. File read in 3.6 seconds. Result: D:/projects/sandbox/Barrows/Rad_MIS_Surgery/Maya/Fluoroscope/scenes/MobileFluoroscope_VRay_Animation__23276.mb Warning: int $interactive = 1; // for Flag -interactive Warning: "C:\Users\phoppes\AppData\Local\Temp\AST9D8511308.tmp" line 9.21 : Redeclaration of variable "$interactive" shadows previous declaration at line 7. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer. V-Ray: Starting render [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Exporting scene to V-Ray. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Parsing light links time 0h 0m 0.0s (0.0 s) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Translating scene geometry for V-Ray [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Total time translating scene for V-Ray 0h 0m 0.1s (0.1 s) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Rendering. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Clearing bitmap cache memory... [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Rendering frames. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Updating frame at time 82.00 [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 57 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 67 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 79 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Total time updating frame 0h 0m 0.2s (0.2 s) [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Preparing renderer... [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Preparing scene for rendering... [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Creating texture cache with size 4000 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Creating bitmap manager [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: 7 lights found. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Using full light evaluation [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: CUDA renderer requested. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: 1 plugin(s) loaded successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: CUDA renderer plugin successfully loaded from "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2017\vray/bin/rt_cuda.dll" [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: CUDA renderer plugin instance successfully created. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: EXT_RTOPENCL interface obtained successfully from CUDA renderer plugin instance. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Estimated progressive buffer memory usage of 12240 MB is over the limit of 2048 MB. Falling back to per-pixel filtering. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Preparing scene for frame... [2017/Apr/24|20:11:56] V-Ray: Dome light resolution increased from 512 to 2048 for light "VRayLightDomeShape1" [2017/Apr/24|20:11:57] V-Ray: Bitmap file "D:/projects/sandbox/Barrows/Rad_MIS_Surgery/Maya/Fluoroscope/sourceimages/Test/all white studio.exr" loaded. [2017/Apr/24|20:11:57] V-Ray: Compiling geometry... [2017/Apr/24|20:11:57] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 72 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:12:42] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 9.4s): 82 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:14:23] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 14.0s): 91 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Using embree ray tracing. [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Building static raycast accelerator... [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: SDTree statistics: [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Total number of faces stored: 312172 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Max tree depth: 46 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Average tree depth: 20.6218 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Number of tree nodes: 147901 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Number of tree faces: 859165 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Number of tree leafs: 63276 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Average faces/leaf: 13.5781 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Memory usage: 30.36 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Building static SD trees took 127 milliseconds [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Running RTEngine [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Initializing CUDA renderer (single kernel version)... [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Querying for CUDA devices... [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Devices query yielded no results; using all available devices! [2017/Apr/24|20:14:25] V-Ray: Device GeForce GTX 1080 has compute capability 6.1 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Setting CUDA stack size to 14000 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Device GeForce GTX 1080 has compute capability 6.1 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Setting CUDA stack size to 14000 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Building optimized CUDA kernel (0) for comp cap 6.1 for device 0... [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: PTX file generated with CUDA Toolkit v7.5 for CUDA compute capability 2.0. CUDA runtime version 7050. [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Optimized CUDA kernel assembled successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Total memory for device 0 : 8192 MB, free 6246 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: Building optimized CUDA kernel (0) for comp cap 6.1 for device 1... [2017/Apr/24|20:14:26] V-Ray: PTX file generated with CUDA Toolkit v7.5 for CUDA compute capability 2.0. CUDA runtime version 7050. [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Optimized CUDA kernel assembled successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Total memory for device 1 : 8192 MB, free 6248 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Bindless textures not supported. [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Maximum kernel work group size: 1024 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Maximum kernel work group size: 1024 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Initializing environment kernel [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Number of CUDA devices: 2 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: nVidia driver version: 381.65 [2017/Apr/24|20:14:27] V-Ray: Building dynamic mesh trees [2017/Apr/24|20:15:10] V-Ray: Building trees for 16 meshes with all threads per mesh took 42549ms. Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer Failed to allocate memory for buffer [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Building BVH tree [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: BVH statistics: [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Primitives count: 16 (Mem usage:0.00 MB) [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Meshes count: 16 (Mem usage:0.00 MB) [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Tree depth: 6 [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Number of tree nodes: 31 [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Tree takes 0.58 MB. Build time 0.43 ms. [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Scene contains 5 lights [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Tracing 250000 image samples for light cache in 64 passes. [2017/Apr/24|20:15:19] V-Ray: Building light cache... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:05] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 6m 51.5s): 10 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:08] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 3m 15.4s): 20 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:10] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 1m 58.2s): 30 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:11] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 1m 18.0s): 40 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:13] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 53.2s): 50 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:14] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 36.2s): 60 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:15] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 23.7s): 70 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:16] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 14.1s): 80 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:17] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 6.4s): 90 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 100 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Merging light cache passes... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 12 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.1s): 20 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 30 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 41 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 58 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 60 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 71 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 80 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 90 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 0.0s): 100 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Light cache contains 14083 samples. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Light cache takes 6.6 MB. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Prefiltering light cache... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Average rays per light cache sample: 39.39 (min 1, max 273) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Using premultiplied light cache. Failed to allocate memory for buffer ./src/lightcache_gpu.cpp(347) : CUDA error 2 : unable to allocate enough memory to perform the requested operation (out-of-mem) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: Lightmap successfuly loaded. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: GPU light cache: 14083 samples stored. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: GPU light cache: 2485 nodes stored. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:18] V-Ray: GPU light cache: 2486 leaves stored. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: Mtls 7.07MB, Geo 6141.69MB, Lights 0.00MB, LightCache 0.99MB, Other 65.46MB (data index 0) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: (Estimated time remaining: 0h 0m 59.1s): 99 % completed [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: Building optimized CUDA kernel (0) for comp cap 6.1 for device 0... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: PTX file generated with CUDA Toolkit v7.5 for CUDA compute capability 2.0. CUDA runtime version 7050. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: Optimized CUDA kernel assembled successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: Total memory for device 0 : 8192 MB, free 12 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: Building optimized CUDA kernel (0) for comp cap 6.1 for device 1... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:19] V-Ray: PTX file generated with CUDA Toolkit v7.5 for CUDA compute capability 2.0. CUDA runtime version 7050. [2017/Apr/24|20:16:20] V-Ray: Optimized CUDA kernel assembled successfully [2017/Apr/24|20:16:20] V-Ray: Total memory for device 1 : 8192 MB, free 0 MB [2017/Apr/24|20:16:20] V-Ray error: ./src/ocl_tracedevice.cpp(3254) : CUDA error 2 : unable to allocate enough memory to perform the requested operation (out-of-mem) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:20] V-Ray error: ./src/ocl_tracedevice.cpp(3254) : CUDA error 2 : unable to allocate enough memory to perform the requested operation (out-of-mem) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Device 0 statistics: [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: GPU time: 85.976748 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: GPU ray trace time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Transfer to GPU time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Transfer from GPU time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Device 1 statistics: [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: GPU time: 79.852250 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: GPU ray trace time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Transfer to GPU time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:21] V-Ray: Transfer from GPU time -1.#IND00 % [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Closing RTEngine (cancelled) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Max. Mpaths per second: 0.000000 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Sampling level reached: 0 samples per pixel [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: RT Frame took: 0.08s [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Number of raycasts: 6167451 (0.65 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Camera rays: 250000 (0.03 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Shadow rays: 1788300 (0.19 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: GI rays: 875491 (0.09 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Reflection rays: 285626 (0.03 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Refraction rays: 157021 (0.02 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Unshaded rays: 3143400 (0.33 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:22] V-Ray: Number of light evaluations: 5098340 (0.54 per pixel) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Number of intersectable primitives: 312185 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: SD triangles: 312172 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: MB triangles: 0 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Static primitives: 12 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Moving primitives: 0 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Infinite primitives: 1 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Static hair segments: 0 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Moving hair segments: 0 [2017/Apr/24|20:16:36] V-Ray: Total frame time 0h 4m 39.7s (279.7 s) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Cleaning up bitmap manager [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Cleaning up texture cache [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Total sequence time 0h 4m 41.5s (281.5 s) [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Render interrupted [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: ======================== [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Clearing exporter memory... [2017/Apr/24|20:16:38] V-Ray: Total time clearing exporter memory 0h 0m 0.1s (0.1 s) Scene D:/projects/sandbox/Barrows/Rad_MIS_Surgery/Maya/Fluoroscope/scenes/MobileFluoroscope_VRay_Animation__23276.mb completed.