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Church conversion - interior

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  • Church conversion - interior

    One of our clients has bought an old, derelict church and he's converting it into houses. I had to produce an image that might sell the idea of 'church living' to house buyers.

    Here's the result........

    ...and here's an internal view of the window for reference.

    c&c very welcome.


    Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?

  • #2
    man.. what a way to get people into a church... show em the "Jack"


    ott.. the colors seems a little washed out.. more contrast is needed i think

    Originally posted by 3DMK
    do I want to be a rich business man or a poor artist?



    • #3
      Ha, no doubt. Nothing makes me think of church like a bottle of Jack Maybe because the preacher was always drunk...
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #4
        looking pretty good. i would agree, it could use more contrast, and maybe the appearance of more light coming from the window. right now the light quality is kind of hospital waiting room - too flat.
        the floor looks a bit plasticky. i was having the same problem on an interior recently. i ended up getting rid of the bump mapping altogether.
        i'd replace the "moving day" woman with someone who looks a little preppier. and i'd definitely say replace the JD with a bottle of wine. with the amount in her glass, she must have a lot to think about.
        nice mat on the pillows!
        too bad they want to cover up all the stone work with drywall. your client should look at carlo scarpa's projects to get ideas of merging new with old.


        • #5
          The "technical" as[ects of the rendering seem pretty good, like the lighting seems even and the materials fine, but the overall feeling is a little sad. I would DEFINETLY take out the Jack Daniels bottle and the person doesnt look happy at all. Everything is too even and gray in my oppinion.
          Even a bottle of Johny Walker could have been better, but Jack??

          Good work anyway


          • #6
            I think the images are nice but they do not tell the story you need them to tell. This does not look like a house but a waiting room maybe an art gallery. Put dinner on the table blankets on the furniture stuff like that put wine on not JD. It looks like a renovated church do thats what you want it just does not look domestic.


            • #7
              You can keep the drink glass, but ditch the bottle.

              Pyschologically, the bottle says "I poured a glass, and carried both it at the bottle to the couch to watch TV. I'm a depressing drunk who's all alone."

              I would have more than one glass, add elements that indicate social activity. A couple of glasses with a bottle of wine would work much better than a single glass and bottle of hard liquor. How about a small table against the wall underneath the picutre, a potted plant next to the window, an area rug under the table, a pillow or two on the couches.

              And the lighting is way too even. It looks like it's lit with overhead flourescents, but people usually light their homes with accent lights - floorlamps, table lamps, etc.


              • #8
                Yeah, thanks for the crits everyone.

                The drink caused some discussion here too. I put the Jack Daniels in an early version whilst I modelled some champagne on ice, but the client said he liked it. That's who I'm trying to please so I kept it in there.

                And with the person.....I wouldn't usually put anyone into an interior scene but I wanted to get across the scale of that window.

                I do take on board the 'glum' feel but my time has run out on this job. If I find any spare I may inject a bit of happiness.


                Has the world gone mad........................or is it me?

