32 bit... though thats the operating system that was used, the machine itself was 64 bit. but max/win was 32.
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Dmitry Vinnik
Silhouette Images Inc.
Dynamic just means that as vray is rendering, it'll pull stuff into memory as it needs it so if its doing buckets in the top left of the image which have no effect on objects in the bottom right of the image, it won't bother loading them into ram yet. Static is quicker since it loads everything into ram in one go, but since it can't load and unload from memory on the fly, it can't clear memory as much as dynamic can to render large scenes. Same way as proxies work.
Exactly, a proxy is basically taking a specific mesh.. or selection of meshes and rendering them with dynamic memory, and replacing them with a lower poly version in the viewport to speed that up too.
In theory (the way i see it) A scene with 5 trees and 5 buildings (for example) would render faster with just the trees proxyed out rather than the whole scene set to dynamic memory. As with the proxys only the trees are rendering as dynamic memory. Therefore more of the scene is static memory and would render faster.
Of course static only.. no proxys.. would be the fastest.
You also have to remember, on a 32 bit system, it's possible to create a scene that cannot be opened back up. We've had files hit 3 or 4 mil polys and no system would open them again. Even the 4gb systems. Proxys eliminate this problem and that's primarily why we use them, render time hit or not.
gilpo- that sounds wierd, i have had heaps of scenes that are larger than 5mil polys (not instanced) and have had no problem on 32bit machines. Sounds like a video crad problem