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Dusk shot Hospital

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  • Dusk shot Hospital

    Hi there.
    First posted image in this forum...The model needs detail but have no control on that, some sketch-up designers modeled it.
    Please let me know your comments on the rest. Thanks!
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Very pretty!
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #3
      Great shot, love the lighting.
      Well done!


      • #4
        Cool rendering and architectural design


        • #5
          That is fantastic! Did you use a reference photo to get the kind of look you wanted?
          Tim Nelson


          • #6
            Hi All,
            Thanks for the nice comments.
            timmatron, I did't use reference photos, I just had time to play with the lighting, and a rare full day to test things in Photoshop so it just came out that way I guess.
            I'm still learning vray so i like to have the extra time and learn some new things when I can.

            I would still like to see if you guys have some specific comments since there are a lot of very talented people here and I def. like others view (good or bad) to improve my work.
            Please keep it comming, say anything you want...I think I can take it


            • #7
              Ok but i'm really clutching at straws here:

              -Grass looks slightly unnatural (too green, turn the hue 2-4 points towards yellow maybe)
              -No subtlety in that blue beam at the top left, a really really faint highlight would look cool.
              -Both cars don't look so real. The one that's meant to be moving isn't itself moving, there's just that hint that it is from the light streaks (which look cool by the way).
              -Maybe a few really subtle stars in the sky?

              As I said, clutching at straws :P

              One thing i've been doing recently which gives decent results is to attach a headlight to the camera (free directional) that affects specular only, and has a falloff of 20m or so (or none at all, i tweak per scene). You can then tweak the multiplier to get these really nice highlights that you're guaranteed to see because the light is beaming right in everythings face. Even highlights very faint can help, which you can see in the current image on the glass, framework to the right, and the sidewalk.

              Hope you don't mind!:
              Attached Files
              Last edited by duke2; 13-06-2008, 06:57 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by duke2 View Post
                Ok but i'm really clutching at straws here:

                One thing i've been doing recently which gives decent results is to attach a headlight to the camera (free directional) that affects specular only, and has a falloff of 20m or so (or none at all, i tweak per scene).
                Interesting idea
                Kind Regards,
                Richard Birket



                • #9
                  Awesome...would like to see it with just a tab less vignetting to compare.
                  Last edited by birdman67; 13-06-2008, 08:11 AM.


                  • #10
                    Cool render!!


                    • #11
                      Again, thanks all for your comments.

             thanks for your suggestions. I love your image, those adjsutments added the subtleties you talk about but make for such a big improvment overall. And I will def. try your trick with the directional light next week, good stuff...

                      vignetting is one of those things i may overdo, I loose the idea about how much is right sometimes. That has to do with Duke's adjutments on the left side of the image since a lot of that got obscured by the effect.
                      I attached a 50% less vignetting version and no vignetting version so you can see the differences...
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Nice job using "atmosphere" to cover up the missing detail.

                        I'd kill to get a sketchup model with that even that much detail. We usually get complete crap sketchup models from architects. Most have no detail though plenty of overlaid geometry.
                        Adam Felchner


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by adamf13 View Post
                          Nice job using "atmosphere" to cover up the missing detail.

                          I'd kill to get a sketchup model with that even that much detail. We usually get complete crap sketchup models from architects. Most have no detail though plenty of overlaid geometry.
                          haha yeah - secondary ray bias gets a real workout with those models!


                          • #14
                            believe me I have nightmeres with sketch-up models.
                            I realize we spend more time cleanning up the models than re-modeling the whole thing from scratch. I don't have the option though, management says it looks like we are duplicating work if we do so...:O

