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Competitor contacted me to do possble joint venture work.

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  • Competitor contacted me to do possble joint venture work.

    Hey guys and gals,

    An in town competitor contacted me via email with this message:

    Please conact me, we are looking at possble joint venture work as we have alot of projects on the go. I would like to discuss time, rates and work process.

    So my question is to all of you: how would you handle a situation like this?

    My concern is intellectual property rights, possible legal issues, and payment issues.

    Thanks ahead of time to all those that respond.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "DR or Die!"

  • #2
    Call them up and see what they have in mind.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


    • #3
      Hey, well your concern is valid, but this sort of thing can be simply handled by the NDA and the contract. That is, if your company and this competitor do some sort of joint project, in the contract it has to be very clearly defined what knowledge/skill/resource is exposed and what is not.
      For example if they hire you as a contractor, to do purely new project, then I dont see why it should be a problem. But if they want to use your resources for this project such as custom shaders, custom scripts and other proprietery stuff then the terms of its used must be clearly outlines in the contract and then NDA. Basicly to say that they can pay for the use of it, but they wont own it etc etc.
      Thats all I can say.
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #4
        Phased payments on major project milestones - these should be set by you.

        Saad "BlueShift" Ur Rahman

        "Professional built the Titanic, amateurs built the Arc."

