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Looking for web coder to make me a web :)

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  • Looking for web coder to make me a web :)


    Soo well humh I thought that its the right time to finally get a web...

    I have no idea how much it gonna cost me(let me know how much ! ) I got a flash template that can be used as starting point... I pretty much want to ad 1/3 things to it and thats all..

    1. Pre loading page, Little introduction + full/normal screen mode icon

    2. Home page with random images displaying

    3. Gallery, I got this part... guess can be used for homepage too...

    4. Contact....

    And wuaila... any1 interested?
    Last edited by Dariusz Makowski (Dadal); 23-11-2010, 08:14 PM.
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

  • #2
    I can only give you one advise: Forget about Flash, it's dying.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    • #3
      Originally posted by plastic_ View Post
      I can only give you one advise: Forget about Flash, it's dying.
      what makes you say that? HTML5? Apple?
      Flash is not going anywhere anytime soon and is here to stay for a long time still
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        Wish I know what ure talking about But yea damn apple should finally implement flash... its annoying argh !
        CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


        • #5
          Hey Dadal, I've been doing web design for more than I want to admit and all I can tell you is that if you have a bit of time to spend on this you can do it by yourself!

          Just like Mark said, forget about flash and if you really want flash like animations jQuery or mootools are the way to go (this is a bit more complex but nothing crazy).

          So back to the site, here is all that you have to do:

          - buy yourself a domain name at as it's cheap and reliable (a lot of people will tell you to use GoDaddy but I never had a good experience with them). Also keep the domain name separate from the hosting company as in case something happens with your hosting you can really quickly point that domain to another host.

          - get hosting either at or (I've been using Hostgator now for 3 years with no issues and the link I've provided is my affiliate one meaning that if you click it and end up get hosting with them I get a kick back from referring you). Both of them are great though!

          - once you got hosting, from your control panel you have the option to install Wordpress with just one click (both Hostgator and Bluehost offer it).

          - go to and purchase a Wordpress theme that you like and has the gallery capability and install it. I'm recommending you purchase a theme rather than getting a free one as the ones from themeforest come with back end control panels and are very well documented so you'll be able to get it up and running fast.

          Your website is up now and all you have to do is customize it your way. All the back end is really simple to figure out and if you have an issue then just google it and you'll find answers. The community is huge and really helpful!

          If you need more help or more info either post it here or send me a PM.

          3d images/Tutorials/Websites:
          Personal Page:


          • #6
            Originally posted by DVP3D View Post
            what makes you say that? HTML5? Apple?
            Flash is not going anywhere anytime soon and is here to stay for a long time still
            Flash is here to stay but the biggest problem now is that most "designer" type people will have an iPhone or iPad and you don't want to be put in the situation of talking to a client and have them asking for your site to check it on their iPhone...

            Plus that as I've said before, you could do most of the flash type transitions using jQuery or mootools.

            3d images/Tutorials/Websites:
            Personal Page:


            • #7
              What about joomla?
              I started to build a site for myself with joomla but never finished it because of more important projects.
              Is it better to start again with wordpress or just finish my joomla page?

              I would also advice to stay away from flash.
              I have a flash page and many clients can't see it because they are not allowed to install flash on their company computers or just have mobile devices that don't support it.
              The same goes for anything that requires a plugin like all those web 3d engines.
              Reflect, repent and reboot.
              Order shall return.


              • #8
                Tammo, it's all up to you. Joomla is great and it has a lot of plugins that will make your life easier. There are a few problems that I've encountered while using it. One is the security. I haven't paid attention to all the security updates the joomla security team sends out and all of a sudden my site got hacked... If I would have had the latest update that wouldn't have happened but in my defense, they have one of those security updates once every other month so after a while it gets to you. Second one is that the core of joomla is over 15mb which is double than WP and I really don't see the reason for that overhead. And lastly, the backend seemed a lot more convoluted than WP's.

                My advice would be to install WP too on a subdomain and see how do you like it, that way you would be able to judge for yourself.

                3d images/Tutorials/Websites:
                Personal Page:


                • #9
                  Build your own site - it's fairly easy especially if you have a host that has one-click Wordpress setups. Get a template off the web (there's plenty free and even some nice ones that are cheap.)

                  Forget Flash, although I disagree that it is going away with its upcoming support of real 3D objects/space codenamed Molehill. It's simply more of a pain to work with and having to update stuff. HTML is definitely more friendly.

                  Joomla sucks to learn. It's written by coders, and unless you're the coder type, it's not the most user friendly if you want to go in and change the way something looks. Otherwise, you'll most likely be stuck with a Joomla template that looks like every other Joomla template on this planet.

                  Here's some links to the upcoming Flash in case you're interested:
                  LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                  HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                  Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                  • #10

                    Thanx for all your time !

                    I have decided to drop any plug-in hungry effects and stick with basics to get to most of people... Using WebPlus software for it... Lil pain but let hope for the best !

                    Might need coder at the end to polish up the web tho :s
                    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

           - come and look


                    • #11
                      php, mysql, css and jquery are all you really need

                      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                      stupid questions the forum can answer.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Da_elf View Post
                        php, mysql, css and jquery are all you really need
                        Reckon you should be to learn all of these from scratch within a couple of weeks, no problem at all.


                        • #13
                          I agree with those that have suggested Wordpress templates. Its the best way to go if you want an easy, effective solution. Themeforest has some really great too!
                          -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----

