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Finding a shop to outsource animation to

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  • Finding a shop to outsource animation to

    Here's a question for the movie / tv people - we're working on a pretty big animation project and will need some hand animated/custom mocap people in the backgrounds. Mixamo only goes so far.
    We'll be doing green screen filming for people in the foreground ourselves, but the background will need activity and with the spaces they'll need to be doing things that make sense. Ranging from simple things like sitting chatting drinking a juice to diving into a pool / climbing out and toweling off. Working out in a gym, eating at a restaurant, buying things in a store etc. We will be able to mark on and define what the behavior should be of every person needed. It will be 30-50 most likely, although we are still in early storyboard stage.
    Will also have some need for crowd shots too - it's looking like we cant find a green screen studio big enough to get a drone at the height we need, so thats 5 or so big crowd shots of an active public space too.

    We're looking for a proper shop that can take all this on and do a great job - we'll be POC & our client will deal with billing directly. Where would we even start looking to find a studio that could handle something like this? It's probably a pretty straightforward & short side gig for the big studios but I don't know if they take on work like this.
