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Memory issues and workarounds?

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  • Memory issues and workarounds?

    Ok, i know theres a definite limit for the amount of RAM that a process in windows can address at one time.. (2GB for win2k for user-mode programs, 3GB in xp/2003 with the /3gb boot.ini trick)

    My question is whats the keep a system from having its own 'page file'? sort of like Photoshops Scratch disk, Max's Bitmap Pager.. etc?

    Could you then sort mabye the geometry with a LOD type attribute? the further away / lower priority it is, the more likely it is to be paged if you run out of ram? sort of a semi-auto-vraymesh thing.

    Curious, It sounds horribly painful to implement, but is there a reason why such a thing would be impossible? I'm still finding it hard to figure out how the Vraymesh works :P Isn't all the geometry needed all the time while doing raytracing/Gi? Is it using a simplified geometric thing for the secondary bounced information as needed? if that can page in/out, whats to stop doing it as needed for larger scenes?

    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk