My brand new course for V-ray, called "Rendering with Rhino and V-Ray: Product Design," was just launched today, August 18, 2014. The course was designed for intermediate users and runs 2 hrs & 54 minutes. All of the content is organized into 5 minute (+/-) videos, so you can watch what you need or feel free to jump around.
You need to be a member to watch the whole course, but there are 6 free videos you can view to get a good idea.
If you are thinking of joining, Lynda is only $25 per month for over 2,500 courses. And, here's a link for a free 7-day trial.
Hope you 3D nerds get a chance to check it out!
You need to be a member to watch the whole course, but there are 6 free videos you can view to get a good idea.
If you are thinking of joining, Lynda is only $25 per month for over 2,500 courses. And, here's a link for a free 7-day trial.
Hope you 3D nerds get a chance to check it out!