Hi guys,
it was suggested to me a few months ago on another project to try .vrscene next time. So I have about 30 houses with 4 types of different ones. My house scene has xrefobjects (for the material) in it because all houses share the same material so if a client decides to change it I only change this material in my material scene and they should all change. The problem is that vray crashes after I try to import a scene and render it. Does vrscene support having xrefmaterials? Not sure what else could be crashing it.
Other ideas welcome too, how to approach this. I don't want to use xrefscene since those can't be instanced.
So I have 4 types of houses and I want to instance them (don't want to merge them into one object either) and I want to instance them.
Oh I also use RailClone a bit for the fence, is that a problem?
it was suggested to me a few months ago on another project to try .vrscene next time. So I have about 30 houses with 4 types of different ones. My house scene has xrefobjects (for the material) in it because all houses share the same material so if a client decides to change it I only change this material in my material scene and they should all change. The problem is that vray crashes after I try to import a scene and render it. Does vrscene support having xrefmaterials? Not sure what else could be crashing it.
Other ideas welcome too, how to approach this. I don't want to use xrefscene since those can't be instanced.
So I have 4 types of houses and I want to instance them (don't want to merge them into one object either) and I want to instance them.
Oh I also use RailClone a bit for the fence, is that a problem?