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Does size matter in Vray?

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  • Does size matter in Vray?

    I know that in Brazil r/s the size does not matter as long as everything else is proprotionally the same, and in Maxwell Render it matters a lot what size the object is. I Vray it seems like the size of objects matters?

    When using a Vray refractive and reflective Material, standard camera and dome light and changing an oject size from 1000 cm to 1 cm (with no other change in the scene or material) the color changes drastically. There are no other objects in the scene.

    I need to have the same object look the same, in many different sizes, but not sure what params in Vray materials (or other) to change to achieve this. Any ideas?

    EDIT: I just found the following in the helpfiles: "Note that the effect of the fog color depends on the absolute size of the objects and is therefore scene-dependent." so that is one parameter which is size dependant. What more?
    Lars Bjorstrup
    Vray 1.5 Advanced R3, 3ds max 8 SP3, Win XP2, 2 x Dual Intel Xeon 2.66GHz, 2Gb RAM, 3DLabs Wildcat VP990 Pro 512Mb