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Render Errors, Unhandled Exceptions, Something wrong w/light

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  • Render Errors, Unhandled Exceptions, Something wrong w/light


    Hey Vlado,

    It appears that if I shift/drag/copy a Vray light I will invariably get the
    following error at some point. It is copied not instanced or referenced.

    error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Rendering region (64,0)-(128,64)
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()

    along with:

    Please send the file C:\VRayLog.txt and, if possible, (a part of) your scene to

    Done some more testing, still get the error when I replace the lights one at a time.

    Now I get:

    error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\Material.cpp, line 2129: VRayMtl::shade() {1}

    Set everything to a plain grey default material and get:

    error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\RenderInstance.cpp, line 1870: VRenderInstance::shade(), calling Mtl::Shade()

    now getting:

    error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
    Last marker is at P:\Vlado\SVN\VRay\VRay.cpp, line 1316: VRay::traceSceneRayStatic(), calling SDTree2::intersectRay()
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

  • #2
    Ok yanked all the VRay lights and it renders ok, going to add them again and see what happens
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


    • #3
      Re-created all the lights and the error came back.

      Anyone have an Idea? In a real fix here.
      "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


      • #4
        1.09.03c with "old" libmmd.dll

        I am having the same problem with Vraylight, interestingly vraylight did not cause exception when horizontal and facing down in my room, but when rotated and placed outside of the window opening the exception appeared, by reducing the size of the vray light it rendered correctly.
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          That is exactly what is happening.
          So just keep the light as tight as possible or should I move it inside the
          geometry a bit?

          Should I copy one of the old libmm.dll's?
          Using the "u" version now with .03c everthign else.

          "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


          • #6
            Once the light hits 40+ units is when the unhandled exceptions start,
            a light inside, just a room light rectangular that is rotated to point down.
            "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."

