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SSS Texture Maps in a Linear Workflow Setup

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  • SSS Texture Maps in a Linear Workflow Setup

    When using texture maps in the texture slots of the SSS shader, should the images be sRGB(2.2) or Linear(1.0)?

    I think because of my gamma setup, my ssscolor texture map is being pushed down in the linear range which is making my shader look very dark.Within my linear workflow in 3dsmax, I usually set my incoming gamma to 2.2 and output to 1. This causes max to compensate for the gamma of the images that will later have a gamma applie. From there, when i bring in, what i call, "data maps" like normal and displacement, i usually override the gamma to 1.0 in the bitmap load dialog.
    Should I be doing this for SSSColor texture? What about the other texture slots?


  • #2
    Hey Fred, hope you are well.

    I've been wondering about this myself. Seems like gamma 1.0 would be the answer because otherwise painting the map in photoshop would be a hassle, but I'm curious as well how this is intended to work in vray.


    • #3
      Doing good thanks,
      Looking forward to hearing more on this topic. Something tells me that a ssscolor tex needs to be in sRGB space.


      • #4
        Anyone want to share their thoughts on this? Very interested in the answer.

