Hi Vlado/ Tisho,
I've been looking into using hilights and I was wondering if you could explain this statement in the help index...
How do they work in conjunction? After reading, in another thread, that the highlights understand the shape of a VRayLight I hoped that I could just turn off Trace reflections for certain materials in the VRayMat and get just a representation of the light as a highlight but it appears to fade by half. I've found a work around by simply doubling the reflection value but I'm not too sure how good this idea is. Sometimes I'll have to add an Output map or adjust the Output of a map. Does this sound effective to you?
Also, are the hilights suppose to work with the Fresnel checkbox? It appears that they don't in 1.46.04
I've been looking into using hilights and I was wondering if you could explain this statement in the help index...
Some improvements in VRayMtl - separate control over hilights and glossy reflections. In addition, glossy hilights and reflections have been improved to act in a more physically accurate way
Also, are the hilights suppose to work with the Fresnel checkbox? It appears that they don't in 1.46.04