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VRayStereoscopic and Shademap

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  • VRayStereoscopic and Shademap

    Hi there,

    When we started doing stereoscopic VRs a couple of years back, I played around with using the shademap to speed up the rendering, but quickly dropped it as the workflow was painful.

    We are working on 18 VRs at the moment and each takes about 6 hours to render so I am keen to bring this down if possible, so giving it another try. Unfortunately we are working with xref scenes so cannot pick glass/mirrored objects for the exclude list - has anyone found a way around this?

    It would be great if VRay could automatically exclude objects that should not be included in the shademap or offer the same include/exclude options the global override material has ie layers & object IDs. Providing the option to exclude from shademap at material level could also be an option.

    As a side note: I would love to see VRayStereoscopic settings in the camera rollout of the render dialog - is there a reason it is a helper?

    Currently managing shademap exclusions, shademap mode and filenames across 18 VRs using xrefs is not workable...

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