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Vray Next 3.1 and 3Ds Max 2020 several problems

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  • Vray Next 3.1 and 3Ds Max 2020 several problems

    We have made the switch with our team from 3ds max 2019 to 2020 and have had several problems on multiple systems.
    -Slow opening of files
    -Light cache takes a very long time
    -Files don't render

    We are in a team of 11 people and several different systems have had these problems. These were all files that worked fine in max 2019.

    We did find some solutions, but this stuff keeps happening anyway on other files.
    Our temporary solutions:
    -Switching the renderer to ART and than back to V-Ray solves some problems with light caches and rendering
    -Importing the entire file into a new file sometimes works with rendering issues (this is however very time-consuming in some cases)
    -Cleaning the scene (with SiniTools Forensic and custom scripts) helps with the slow opening of files
    -Sometimes a forest (forestpack) is the issue, removing it or making it invisible solves the light cache problem (speeds things up by a LOT)
    -Remaking the HDRi (the orientation is messed up in some of our files)

    As I already said we haven't had nearly this many issues in 2019. Are there any known issues with max 2020 that sound like they could have anything to do with the problems/fixes above?

    It's hard to pinpoint one project to send it for review, because we are mostly successful in solving it (but it takes quite a bit of our time).

    Other than 3ds max 2020 and V-Ray Next 3.1 we use the latest versions of forestpack and not much else plugin-wise.