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Vray Enmesh not working properly.

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  • Vray Enmesh not working properly.

    Hi everyone, I need some help with Vray Enmesh modifier.

    I am using it to recreate a wicker effect on the doors of some furniture. It is a really powerful tool and it works well, I have succeded into using it and the effect it's really dope BUT sometimes it disappears completely in the rendering.
    For instance I've noticed that it disappears if you "hide" the tile source object under the floor level BUT sometimes it disappears without any understandable reason.

    It's making me really crazy, I need to do a video so I absolutely need to understand why it disappears, I can't afford to risk it
    Am I the only one having trouble with it?

    I can't post much because is kinda "top-secret work" but here you are some screenshots, a closeup of the wicker, one with the properly effect and the other one with the enmesh not working ( therefore the plane with the enmesh modifier becomes invisible and you can literally see whats behind it, in this situation you see just a flat surface)

    I am using 3DSMAX 2021 and Vray 6 1.2 ( 6.10.08 build 00000 )

    Thanks in advance,
    (Sorry for my bad english)

  • #2

    Thank you for posting. Please make sure that the enmesh gizmo is fit in object space, otherwise it might crop the source object or be completely out of its bounding box which would produce incorrect results.

    Philip Shounev
    QA department


    • #3
      Originally posted by Philip Shounev View Post

      Thank you for posting. Please make sure that the enmesh gizmo is fit in object space, otherwise it might crop the source object or be completely out of its bounding box which would produce incorrect results.

      I've done some tests and thanks to your answer I've noticed a few insteresting things...

      It seems that the enmesh gizmo doesn't follow the source object when you move it. It stays behind.
      So, probably, It could be that, moving the pattern source around the scene, the enmesh modifier can't see the it ( due to the yellow gizmo box ) and the only way to make it work again is to remove the pattern and add it again.

      I have to understand if it is what happened in my scene , but it could be .

      I will update you in the next days.
      Thank you for your help!!


      • #4
        I´m pretty sure that´s how it´s supposed to work, but I also struggle with it.
        It has great potential to mess up your scene if you move or delete the object by accident and I hardly see any advantage.

        In my opinion it would be better if it "follows" the object.
        It would be even better if it would keep a copy the object in the modifier (like the sweep modifer or RailClone) if you delete the object, but not sure if this is possible.


        • #5
          The enmesh gizmo should automatically move with the source object and it seems that the behavior has changed . We already have that registered in our internal bug-tracker under VMAX-13060 for further investigation. Thanks for pointing that out and sorry for the inconvenience.

          Philip Shounev
          QA department

