i render with VFB but render is too dark and i have this warning message:
warning: V-Ray VFB is enabled; 3dsmax render output file will be ignored.
warning: To remove this warning, please disable either the 3dsmax save render output option or the V-Ray VFB.
what to do:
disable VBF or disable save options (in 3dsmax output image/save) ???
NEW EDIT: 10x all i find my problem
fom vray help site (spot3d.com)
BUT NOW I HAVE OTHER QUESTION - how i can save my level correction for future work (or part correction ) ?
warning: V-Ray VFB is enabled; 3dsmax render output file will be ignored.
warning: To remove this warning, please disable either the 3dsmax save render output option or the V-Ray VFB.
what to do:
disable VBF or disable save options (in 3dsmax output image/save) ???
NEW EDIT: 10x all i find my problem

BUT NOW I HAVE OTHER QUESTION - how i can save my level correction for future work (or part correction ) ?