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Vray gamma

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  • Vray gamma

    Now I have watched a dozen videos and read a hundred tutorials and tried it a thousand times, but:

    When I use a Gamma of 2.2 and set up lighting and use any kind of colour mapping (HSV, HSV exponential) -

    ALL the colours get desaturated and washed out and I have to add them back in later in photoshop

    Why is this?


  • #2

    Make sure your VRAY Frame Buffers sRBG isn't check otherwise you are double gammafi'ing it.
    Bobby Parker
    phone: 2188206812

    My current hardware setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
    • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
    • ​Windows 11 Pro


    • #3

      sorry if I don't quote properly but I don't know to do that yet
      I dont have the frame buffer set to sRGB - thanks for the suggestion

      I thought I would illustrate my issue:
      below are a set of test renders. They are vray spheres and a hand rendered inside a normal flipped cube with a single Rectangular 300mm x300mm half length/width Vray area light near the top of the cube and set to 45. The walls have a vraymtl with 50% gray and no reflection or refraction

      the images marked 1,2,3, are the .exr imported into photoshop.
      1a,2a,3a are the images saved as 48bit png, converted to 32x3 bit colour and back in photoshop. images 4,4a are rendered with only HDRI lighting from "Kitchen Probe" from Paul Debevec's Site. 5 and 5a are rendered with vray Sunlight system (4,5 have had side walls and top of cube removed and gamma set back to 1) and exposure corrected with Lele's Vray Exposiometer script (thanks lele for the fantastic scripts if you see this). 6 is the original skin texture. The spheres have a Vray mtl applied with 8 subs and zero reflection and refraction xpt for the ones at the back. THe colours are RGB at 100% intensity, 75% intesity and 25% intensity as you go back. The front is White, 75% gray and 25% gray. The back row are 100% reflect, 100% refract and 100% of both with fresnel reflections and IOR 1.331
      The final Cyan glowing is a vray light mtl
      oops 5 and 5a are meant to be labelled the othwer way around. - My bad

      Hopefully the image has loaded ok
      As you move from left to right 1-3 the skin material becomes less and less saturated and looks vastly different to the original texture (6) the various gamma settings are illustrated underneath each column of renders. The spheres and the cube look better and better with the increasing gamma, but the hand looks worse and worse - compared to the original.

      I have included most of my settings. Caustics was off.
      If there are any other settings you'd like to know anything else please let me know.
      I know this goes against accepted practice, but adding in saturation later in photoshop seems like the wrong thing to do.

