We had this silver carpaint here:

The issue is, that turning the DMC Adaption off was the way to get neat silver blurry reflections. We turned the Adaptiveness to 0 and suddenly 12 Subdivs for the material proved enough ?!?
Inside the region we had the adaptiveness at 0.8 and 64 subdivs and still too much noise. Increasing subdivs just increased render times and insignificantly decreased noise. Gamma is 2.2, adaption only.
Now I am wondering: How can you make use of the adaptive sampler still in a case like this? Turning it off, seems rather "brutal", there is a reason it is there, no?
Any suggestions how to get these dark area-sampling issues solved better?
Thank you in advance!

The issue is, that turning the DMC Adaption off was the way to get neat silver blurry reflections. We turned the Adaptiveness to 0 and suddenly 12 Subdivs for the material proved enough ?!?
Inside the region we had the adaptiveness at 0.8 and 64 subdivs and still too much noise. Increasing subdivs just increased render times and insignificantly decreased noise. Gamma is 2.2, adaption only.
Now I am wondering: How can you make use of the adaptive sampler still in a case like this? Turning it off, seems rather "brutal", there is a reason it is there, no?
Any suggestions how to get these dark area-sampling issues solved better?
Thank you in advance!