Is this possible to simplify GI calculations for complex object?
For example, in a manner similar to the image?

What I mean is that the GI is calculated only for the "proxy" surface.
And then GI is transfered to the complex object.
For each point of the object the distance from the surface should be taken into account (the further the darker).
Maybe this is nonsense but rendering object like grass i sooo sloooow.
There must be some way to simplify this process
sorry for my English
For example, in a manner similar to the image?
What I mean is that the GI is calculated only for the "proxy" surface.
And then GI is transfered to the complex object.
For each point of the object the distance from the surface should be taken into account (the further the darker).
Maybe this is nonsense but rendering object like grass i sooo sloooow.
There must be some way to simplify this process
sorry for my English