Hello everyone,
V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D, Update 2 is out.
With this release we introduce the ability to import V-Ray Scene file contents as native objects inside Cinema 4D. This will improve the interoperability with the other V-Ray integrations and Enscape and let you seamlessly transfer data like materials, lights, cameras and more. Alongside this we've also added the ability to render animations in Chaos Vantage directly from Cinema 4D, support for rendering Pyro, support for V-Ray Enmesh on V-Ray GPU and more.
The builds can be downloaded from the Downloads section on our site.
Here is the change log for release version 6.20.00
New features:
V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D, Update 2 is out.
With this release we introduce the ability to import V-Ray Scene file contents as native objects inside Cinema 4D. This will improve the interoperability with the other V-Ray integrations and Enscape and let you seamlessly transfer data like materials, lights, cameras and more. Alongside this we've also added the ability to render animations in Chaos Vantage directly from Cinema 4D, support for rendering Pyro, support for V-Ray Enmesh on V-Ray GPU and more.
The builds can be downloaded from the Downloads section on our site.
Here is the change log for release version 6.20.00
New features:
- Initial support for importing V-Ray Scene files as native objects
- Support for rendering Pyro
- Support for importing the Place2D UVW generator from Maya
- Convert Cinema 4D Materials to Classic V-Ray Materials
- Convert Redshift Standard materials to V-Ray Materials
- Add import of IES lights from Cosmos
- Render animation with Chaos Vantage via Live Link
- Expose the V-Ray Node material parameters in the Classic Material Editor
- Add support for OSL Material and Texture
- Add support for Stereoscopic rendering
- Separate the Environment settings to a new V-Ray Environment Object
- Integrate VolumeInstancingTree and VolumeGrid instancing optimizations into V-Ray Standalone CPU
- Support for V-Ray Enmesh rendering on V-Ray GPU
- Support for the Pin Material tag
- Better import of raw texture buffers
- Add support for the "Solo" mode in the Node Editor
- Modify Light Mesh options to have a similar layout to other lights
- Update Chaos Scatter to version 4
- Add LPE labels to materials and lights
- Implement the Stochastic Flakes as a node material
- Hide deprecated option "Inverted Normal" from UI of V-Ray Dirt texture
- Add the ability to show the current texture from Light Lister in the Active Object Manager
- Filter exported plugins for animation and interactive
- Add profiler events for export durations by categories
- Skip the import of TexMaxGamma plugin whenever possible
- Parallel physical camera rendering requires additional setup
- Support for per camera overrides
- Ability to transfer Auto Exposure and White Balance to the camera
- Add viewport light previews
- Add the ability to change the wire color for the V-Ray lights in the viewport
- Expose the new directionality strength parameter
- Support for rendering Particle colors based on different channels
- V-Ray GPU shouldn't load already loaded bitmaps from files when rendering an animation
- Add support for more Sampler Info outputs
- Double click in Material Manager should create V-Ray Node material as a default material
- Add the option to select V-Ray Material as the default material
- Automatically set the RGB primaries to the current active color space when creating V-Ray bitmaps
- Compile geometry is slow for subdivision surface objects on high core count machines
- Viewport Interactive is blocking Cinema 4D when OCIO color management is used
- Cinema 4D Freezes when Blend Material is added to its own Base Material Slot
- Fix a deadlock in GeomParticleSystem in streaks mode when no velocity channel is present
- The "Use Default Lights" global override parameter does not work
- User attributes are not working for the VRayBitmap filename text field
- Wrong label in the Max Gamma shader
- Wrong import of TexCombineColor and TexCombineFloat
- VR Mat could not fetch the name of Material X automatically
- Unpack installation may not unpack the V-Ray plugin and docs
- Fix the typo in the Light Lister units settings
- Unable to convert native C4D materials if unsupported native shaders are present in the material
- Rendering animation stops in the middle of the "Loading bitmaps" stage
- When trying to add a render element during interactive rendering in Cinema 4D, the application crashes
- Volume grid loads mirrored .vdb cache, simulated with the Pyro engine
- Bump mapping in V-Ray GPU is inverted
- Bump type 5 is not working with procedural textures
- Bump mapping doesn't work correctly on a plane
- Cryptomatte render element doesn't work for objects behind glass
- VRaySphere is not rendered with RTX
- Select object and Pick object material functionality in VFB is broken with V-Ray GPU IPR
- Rendering stuck when using the Bucket image sampler and Textured render mask
- MultiMatte does not consider material IDs nested in VRayBlendMtl with a blend amount
- Crash when scenes containing Image sequences and V-Ray Sky are rendered with CUDA, and then with RTX engine
- Render freezes when rendering animated objects with RTX, motion blur, and V-Ray Denoiser
- GPU Light cache freezes when rendering animation with specific scene on machine with multiple GPU devices
- Phoenix Particle Shader in Point mode randomly disappears on a test scene with OptiX
- Print a warning for CUDA 12 min driver version
- Emissive material does not appear in VRaySelfIllumination behind refractive object
- VRayProxy with assigned Multi/Sub-Object material in V-Ray GPU has incorrect shading with material override
- VRayClipper does not have correct material IDs when rendering with V-Ray GPU
- Bump mapping differs when comparing small objects between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
- MultiMatte does not work with material IDs within VRayBlendMtl
- MultiMatteID is not propagated through nested materials
- GPU interactive prints warnings on material changes
- GPU rendering performance is slower when some of the VRam is occupied
- Regression of spot/direct lights intensity
- Enabling the Only If Selected preview option of the Cinema 4D VolumeGrid and then deselecting and selecting the grid leaves it empty
- Changing the preview Detail Reduction in Cinema 4D always resets back to a certain value
- Crash when basing the Smoke Color on the Speed channel of VDBs whose bounding box does not start at 0,0,0
- Wrong Grid-based Volumetric Motion Blur with VDBs whose bounding box does not start at 0,0,0