Hi all,
Coming from 3ds Max I'm used to setting up V-Ray Sun and Sky together by default, especially at the early stage of working with the scene.
Since that's not the case in Houdini, I wrote a tiny Python script to do that. Thought some people here may find it useful :
Feel free to point out better way of doing that.
For anyone not sure how to use it - make a custom tool on a shelf and paste it in in the 'Script' tab.
Coming from 3ds Max I'm used to setting up V-Ray Sun and Sky together by default, especially at the early stage of working with the scene.
Since that's not the case in Houdini, I wrote a tiny Python script to do that. Thought some people here may find it useful :
#CHECK FOR V-RAY SUN chldrn = hou.node('/obj').children() vr_sun = None for i in chldrn:[INDENT]if i.type().name() == 'VRayNodeSunLight':[/INDENT][INDENT=2]vr_sun = i break[/INDENT] if vr_sun == None:[INDENT]from vfh import vfh_tools; vfh_tools.newLight(kwargs, 'VRayNodeSunLight', "vrayLightSun")[/INDENT] #CREATE VRAY ENVIRONMENT AND LINK IT TO V-RAY SKY TEXTURE if hou.node('/out/env_sky') == None:[INDENT]hou.node('/out').createNode('vray_environment', 'env_sky')[/INDENT] env = hou.node('/out/env_sky') if hou.node('/out/env_sky/sky_tex') == None:[INDENT]hou.node('/out/env_sky').createNode('VRayNodeTexSky', 'sky_tex')[/INDENT] sky = hou.node('/out/env_sky/sky_tex') env_set = hou.node('/out/env_sky/environmentSettings') env_set.setInput(0, sky, 0) env_set.setInput(1, sky, 0) env_set.setInput(2, sky, 0) env_set.setInput(3, sky, 0) env_set.parm('use_bg').set(1) env_set.parm('use_gi').set(1) env_set.parm('use_reflect').set(1) env_set.parm('use_refract').set(1) #CHECK FOR V-RAY ROP if hou.node('/out/vray') == None:[INDENT]from vfh import vfh_toolbar; vfh_toolbar.vray_render_settings()[/INDENT] vr_rop = hou.node('/out/vray') vr_rop.parm('render_network_environment').set('../env_sky') #ARRANGE NODES env.moveToGoodPosition() env_set.moveToGoodPosition() sky.moveToGoodPosition()
For anyone not sure how to use it - make a custom tool on a shelf and paste it in in the 'Script' tab.