I had a look at your geomMeshLoader sample and the associated vrscenes, and see that these vrscenes contain a GeomStaticMesh entry.
Now I tried to load the same geomMeshLoader source file from my maya compute node with the below code.
When I render I can properly see all the spheres, but when I render to the vrscene, I can't see the GeomStaticMesh.
Am I missing something in the below code ?
Thanks !
I had a look at your geomMeshLoader sample and the associated vrscenes, and see that these vrscenes contain a GeomStaticMesh entry.
Now I tried to load the same geomMeshLoader source file from my maya compute node with the below code.
When I render I can properly see all the spheres, but when I render to the vrscene, I can't see the GeomStaticMesh.
Am I missing something in the below code ?
Thanks !
static struct GeomDesc: VR::VRayPluginDesc { GeomDesc(void):VR::VRayPluginDesc(&geommeshloader_params) {} PluginID getPluginID(void) { return PluginID(LARGE_CONST(0x2010090301)); } Plugin *newPlugin(PluginHost *host) { return new GeomMeshLoader(this); } void deletePlugin(Plugin *obj) { delete (GeomMeshLoader*) obj; } bool supportsInterface(InterfaceID id) { return (id==EXT_STATIC_GEOM_SOURCE) || (id==EXT_VRAY_PLUGIN) ; } tchar *getName(void) { return "geomMeshLoader1"; } const tchar *getCopyright(void) { return "Copyright (C) 2015, Chaos Software Ltd"; } } geomDesc; void myNode::createVRayPlugin(VR::VRayGeomInfo *geomInfo) // Launched from the compute function { if (!geomInfo) return; plugman=geomInfo->getPluginManager(); if (!plugman) return; bool existing=false; // Check to see if our class is already registered in the plugin manager // and register it if necessary PluginDesc *geomPluginDesc=plugman->getPluginDesc("geomMeshLoader1"); if (!geomPluginDesc) { plugman->registerPlugin(&geomDesc); } geom=static_cast<GeomMeshLoader*>(geomInfo->newPlugin("geomMeshLoader1", existing)); if (!existing) { // The plugin did not exist before - we can do additional set up here, if necessary } }