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Emissive Material Reflection

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  • Emissive Material Reflection


    I have a little question. I want to render a scene with 3d people but i dont want real people textures and stuff. I just want the silloutet of the poeple and the exact shadows.

    What i tried:
    All people on one Layer. Than i created a vraymtl with the one emissive layer in white.

    So in the rendering i only get the silloutets of the people ... no shadow on the people ... an exact shadow on the ground. But i have alot of reflaction form the glowing people. how do i get rid of all the reflection from the glowing people?

    Thats my question and i hope you can help me.

    Maybe you have another way to do it because the glowing from the emissive material on the ground is kind of annoying too. Or you have an idea to fix that


    Pic 1 = normal rendering, Pic 2 = what i want (did it whith ps but i had to render the scene twice)

    Sorry for my bad english

    Render Vray v1.5