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Vray Camera Settings - Rhino and 3DS Max

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  • Vray Camera Settings - Rhino and 3DS Max

    There appears to be a difference between the camera settings between VfR and a Vray camera for Max, and I'm curious as to if this is true, why, and how to convert from one to the other for to allow them to align.

    In Rhino, I've got visopt camera settings to film width of 36 mm and the view is 28mm lens. When I export the scene to 3DS, set a Vray camera in the same location with the same target and have the same camera settings (36mm film gate and 28mm lens), I get a different camera angle. I'm continuing to tinker with this, but in order to match the Rhino settings, the 3DS camera needs to be close to a film gate of 42.6-42.7mm with a lens length of 28mm. Weird...

    Anyone have any thoughts or ideas???? what I'm really trying to do is use the Make2D in rhino to overlay to the 3DS rendering...


    Attached are images of both Rhino and Max with the same camera settings.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	From 3DS Max cam-make2d test.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	368.5 KB
ID:	879655 Click image for larger version

Name:	From Rhino_Options_Film Width 36_28mm.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	101.1 KB
ID:	879656

  • #2
    Would make2d use the vray film width setting anyway? Seems like you'd be adjusting the make2d in post no matter what?
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design


    • #3
      You're correct in that the Make2D doesn't use the visopt settings, however if I was able to know the relationship between Max's Vray Physical Cam and the Rhino camera, I could adjust the settings of the Max cam to match the Rhino Make2D settings.

