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How to submit a bug report

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  • How to submit a bug report

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you for participating in our beta testing process for V-Ray for SketchUp! We are looking forward to a swift and productive closed beta, followed by a public beta phase, and finally a release in the not so distant future. If you are using nightly builds, please keep all comments about those builds in our private forum and our bug tracker. We need as tight of a feedback loop as possible, and we need to stay focused on squishing any, and all bugs you encounter. To keep things simple, here's some basic ground rules for sending us reports. Discussing nightlies in this forum, will be confusing, as most of the users in this public beta forum, will be using stable builds, not nightly unstable builds.

    If you encounter a bug and believe the bug has been reported already, report it anyway. We can link related reports together in our tracker so we can have a good idea of how many users are affected by a bug, and we can gather as much info as possible about the bug from different machine/os/workflow configurations. The more example scenes, screen shots, videos, bug descriptions, and steps to reproduce a bug, the easier it will be to accurately identify and repair an issue.

    We now have a bug reporting tool (which I'm told is currently having issues...), so if it works for you, I would recommend using this tool. It can save you the trouble of filling out the template below, which we need if you email us a bug report. It can also save you the trouble of tracking down all of the assets that are related to your scene, when you send us example scene files that demonstrate your issue. The bug reporting tool can be found in the Plugin->V-Ray->Debugging->Report a Bug menu. We will try to get the tool fixed for anyone that is having trouble, as soon as we address some of the more pressing tasks on our list.

    Alternatively, you can submit a new ticket by sending an email to:

    If you are encountering issues with your forum account, or downloading the beta, please contact

    (otherwise we'll just end up asking you for it after you submit the bug anyway)
    • Operating system (xp 32-bit, vista-64bit, Mac OS X 10.6, etc)
    • SketchUp Version (Help->About SketchUp)
    • A description of the bug
    • Step by step description of how to reproduce the bug
    • Any screen shots or images that would help demonstrate or explain the bug
    • Any example scene files that could be used to diagnose the issue
    • A copy of your V-Ray for SketchUp Error log (C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\VfS\vfs_stderr.txt or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGVIS\VfS\vfs_stderr.txt)
    • Error messages (if any) that appear in the Ruby Console when the bug occurs
      (You must have the SketchUp Ruby console open prior to the bug occurring to see these error messages)

    Without this information, we won't have a clear picture of the situation surrounding the bug, and that can make the repair process very difficult, if not impossible. There are some bugs that may only occur when you don't use English as your primary language, or when you have a certain parameter set to a particular value. It's really hard to say what can cause a bug, so it really helps when we have all the information we need to diagnose the issue.

    Thank you,
    V-Ray for SketchUp Development Team
    Last edited by dkendig; 20-05-2013, 11:14 AM.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group