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Vray 6.1 a lot of bugsplats, for new scenes, small scenes, médium scenes and heavy scenes

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  • Vray 6.1 a lot of bugsplats, for new scenes, small scenes, médium scenes and heavy scenes

    Hi Kontantin

    I have been trying to use vray 6.1 the complete Day, im only getting bugsplat one by one for every scene

    New scene, small scene and heavy proyects

    It is totally for vray 6.1 because with 5.1 i work really nice, no issues, very stable software but with vray 6.1 nothing is fine.

    It is a horrible experience if i have to say the truth.

    I only use skkater 1 and skkater 2 and that is all.

    i dont use too many plugins just 2 and vray

    Even when i open a new scene sketchup does not work right.

    I can show in a live sesion how nice is vray 5 and how terrible is vray 6.

    For me since i work with heavy scenes stability and reability is the most important thing.

    sketchup 2021 works really nice with vray 5, with vray 6 is so unstable and i get a lot of bugsplat

    With vray 5 i dont get almost never any kind of bugsplat

    And that is nice because i can work for hours and hours with out a problem, while vray 6 only give me issues and problems.


  • #2
    Hello luisgamino2,
    Thank you for starting a new thread with your issue.

    I can show in a live sesion how nice is vray 5 and how terrible is vray 6.
    As I have already shared with you in order to receive TeamViewer instruction you need to open a ticket to our 3D Support Team and we will be able to schedule the time and date.

    Even when i open a new scene sketchup does not work right.
    It would be best if you could show us what happens in a new scene. We can check it during the TeamViewer session or you can send us a video recording.

    Also in different forum thread you have shared that
    initializing vray scene: loading model takes for ever
    Upgrading vray components takes for ever.​
    If I understand correctly you have gone back to the V-Ray 5.1 version for now, and if this is so we would like to test any of your scenes and try to upgrade them to the latest V-Ray 6 version and see how it performs on our side. To share a scene make sure to archive all the assets with Pack Project tool (Extensions>V-Ray>Pack Project tool).​

    Apart from that please share your full computer specifications and OS version. If you are not comfortable sharing this information on a forum, please send it in a ticket.
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I installed vray 6.0 and it worked perfectly natalia.

      That was a big surprise while vray 6 work perfectly out of the box.

      no issues, no bug splat, it open fast and easy

      With vray 6.1 i always get a bugsplat for everyscene.

      Im tired Natalia download one version, then try another one.

      This is not normal, why i cant open even small scenes with vray 6.1 while with vray 6 this worked perfectly.

      Since 5.2 sometimes i suffer with vray.

      Try Natalia please to load a scene from vray 5.1 to vray 6.1 and im anre you are going to experiment a rare behaviur.

      Even with a small scene you are going to suffer.

      Im going to wait for the next hotfix.

      Since i dont do renders for other people i cant send the scenes because i take my time to develop scenes sometime years.


      Why with vray 6.1 looks like that, loadind scene one time, then again loading scene, then again loading scene.

      It really become really stressfull Natalia, instead of enjoy vray sometimes i suffer.

      Vray 6.1 is corrupted something is not quite right, i dont simply know why??

      Just try that and you are going to see i have been writing here.

      Small scene from vray 5.1 to 6.1 you are going to find some issues with sketchup 2021.

      Right now im wasting my time here.

      Last edited by luisgamino2; 13-07-2023, 03:16 PM.


      • #4
        Dear luisgamino2, hello.

        Without allowing us to support you or collect any helpful information, we are suffering - from the inability to help you.
        To not waste any time let's find the issue.
        Otherwise the discussion is not constructive.

        Best regards,
        Tsvetomira Girginova |
        3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


        • #5
          Hi Tsvetomira Girginova

          I have a file when i practice skkater 2 compositions, materials and textures.

          Here i practice so i dont do mistakes in the real scene.

          This scene happens the same than the heavy scenes...upgrading components and loadind scene and i can not open vray and the file freeze.

          How can i send to you this file?

          I know i can trust in vray team and this is going to help me to keep my work with vray gpu




          • #6
            Thank you for answering.

            As Natalia pointed out above use our Help Portal to send us a ticket.
            Please mention this thread in the description and attach the scene after using Extensions > V-Ray > Pack Project.
            Yes, we know that you are a GPU admirer, but will be highly appreciated to specify what is experienced when using V-Ray GPU and what could be listed as a general complaint.

            And step by step and with every answered question we will get close to improving your experience.
            Waiting for your sharing.
            Tsvetomira Girginova |
            3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


            • #7
              OK if i pack the proyect im not going to loose any kind of texture, asset or material?

              This is not going to affect the file?

              After pack the file and send to you, this is going to work fine after that?

              Thanks tsvetomira girginova


              • #8
                I did the ticket, i only have to pack the proyect to send to you

                Ticket number 137175


                • #9
                  Hi again,

                  Using Pack Project is the way to receive all needed assets included in your scene.
                  This is also the proper way if you collaborate with different colleagues or clients and they need to open/edit the file.
                  It is similar to the Archive command in 3dsMax.

                  At the moment we received your message, but no scene is included.
                  Please pay attention to the needed actions - choose the archive, wait until it is successfully uploaded and then click Submit.

                  You are also able to check all your opened tickets via the Help Portal (after signing in) under My activities (My requests):
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	154
Size:	26.3 KB
ID:	1186172
                  Tsvetomira Girginova |
                  3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


                  • #10

                    Im paying attetion of course, but you didnt answer my question, you have to understand that this the first time in my life that i use this tool.

                    I have never send a file to chaos group this is the first time i do it.

                    I dont want to loose any kind of material, asset of the file.

                    I really care about my files, but OK im going to pack the scene to send to you.

                    Give me a moment to send to you the file.


                    • #11
                      I packed the proyect and it is loading the file in the ticket in 10 min. You will see it in the ticket

                      Thanks and i hope this help to solve my issues


                      • #12
                        Ready i submited the file, please svetomira girginova can you check if it is already with you

                        It loaded 100% then sent to you in the same ticket



                        • #13
                          Hello luisgamino2,
                          Please check my answer in your ticket regarding TeamViewer instructions.

                          Also unfortunately we have not received any files from you, please upload them again (via the link I have sent in a ticket) and make sure to click Submit.

                          Thank you.
                          Natalia Gruzdova |
                          Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                          • #14
                            Hi Natalia Grusdova

                            I uploaded again and i sent to you

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	20230717_101830~2.jpg
Views:	170
Size:	822.1 KB
ID:	1186413 It is ready to look what happened with vray 6.1

                            I tried aces and it is amazing i hope i can use vray gpu 6.1

                            Thank You all for your help
                            Best regards

                            Luis Gamino


                            • #15
                              Thank you luisgamino2, I confirm that we have received your scene in a ticket.
                              Natalia Gruzdova |
                              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

