I'd like a way to control the radius of the shadows with ies lights similar to what is available for spot and point lights. Here are some examples to explain this.
image 1 - lighting by rectangular light - nice soft shadows, even where the truss is close to the wall
image 2 - lighting with IES: soft shadows option off - all sharp shadows
image 3 - lighting with IES: soft shadows option on - shadows are still very sharp where the shadow is not far from the object. Here is where I would like to be able to control the radius of the light.
image 1 - lighting by rectangular light - nice soft shadows, even where the truss is close to the wall
image 2 - lighting with IES: soft shadows option off - all sharp shadows
image 3 - lighting with IES: soft shadows option on - shadows are still very sharp where the shadow is not far from the object. Here is where I would like to be able to control the radius of the light.