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What Will the Future Look Like?

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  • What Will the Future Look Like?

    This cloud collaboration seems immensley powerful and I am excited to start using it with clients. I wanted to know what Chaos has planned for it.

    Storage - Do we know if there is going to be a set storage limit per account, render size limits, etc. Trimble connect / Sketchup are unlimited in this regard.

    Pricing - Is this planned to be included with a vray premium subscription or is this going to be another case of pulling the rug out from under your customers just like with Vantage?

    I'd really like to start using this service, but am weary from past experiences.

    Current Hardware Setup:
    • Ryzen 9 5095x
    • 64 GB DDR RAM
    • 2x Nvidia RTX 3090 Ti w/ NVLINK 48GB vram total

  • #2
    Hi Charles!

    We are in the process of updating our website which is the reason you may not easily find details about our service right now.

    Chaos Cloud Collaboration page is here and is going to be refreshed with our latest updates early next year -

    We are hard at work to expand the Collaboration service with new features and updates such as:
    - Interactive Virtual Tours/Presentations with customizable hotspots and highlights to add additional content and details to your tours
    - Integration with Enscape
    - VR Support
    - Improved Mobile Support for Collaboration and Viewing Virtual Tours/Presentations

    As for your question about pricing - for now the service is free and all features that are in now will remain free.
    We will always have a free tier and as we add more supported content in the system we will have a certain storage limit (for now its unlimited).
    But this limit will be high enough that the system will remain functional and useful for smaller companies and their customers.

    We will add a paid subscription tier later with premium features that will enhance the experience and expand the use cases.
    We have not planned this fully yet so I cannot really share any details here but I can promise you we will be transparent and update the website in advance.
    Even if you are using the free service now and we add a storage limit in the free tier - in the case you exceed the storage limit when that happens, none of the data added prior to this time will be removed or charged for.

    We will also probably bundle a Premium tier of the Collaboration Service with our other Premium Subscriptions.

    I encourage you to try our service now and check out our free updates next year and give us some feedback! We are just starting with this service and are really excited to get more people on board and focus on the features they need.

    Chaos Cloud Rendering service page can be found here -
    Nothing is changing in that service for now and all pricing should be up to date on the website.

    Can I ask you what your main use cases are currently with your clients and how you solve them today?

    Best Regards,
    Vasil Garbev
    Product Manager
    Chaos Cloud Collaboration​

