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Hide/Deactivate Hotspots

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  • Hide/Deactivate Hotspots

    It would be really handy if there was a way to hide or temporarily deactivate certain hotspots from the shared tours. We really enjoy the versioning functionality because it allows people to click between moments in time or evolutions in the design, however, sometimes there are specific areas or shots that haven't progressed or been updated. We often want to share an updated tour, but because we know that one or two of the areas are out of date, we would rather not show these spaces at all. On more than one occasion having 'old' hotspots has resulted in confusion and clients asking why certain changes haven't been made, etc. Currently, the only way to get around this is to permanently delete the hotspot, and lose all the history and versioning with it. When that specific area is ultimately updated we have to recreate the hotspot from scratch. What would be much nicer from our point of view is the ability to click on certain hotspots and 'deactivate' them temporarily, so they are then hidden from view when the tour is shared, but can easily be brought back later.

    With this in mind though I would also like the 're-request' (from this thread) the ability to share only the tour and not the entire folder. And in addition, from a versioning control and just general tour management it would be great if we could have folders inside of the virtual tour folder. Currently there's only one master tour folder, and any images that are to be added as hotspots need to live in this folder, so it can become a pretty huge mess relatively quickly. I understand this might be a bit of a bigger challenge, as the behaviour for adding hotspots is currently just the dropdown list of all the files and I'm not sure how subdirectories would be handled, but just in general we would prefer a better way to organise the files being used in the tour, as well as the ability to have only the tour visible.

    (And also this request I made for the waypoint icon defaulting to the last used options, it's still a bit irritating when you're bulk adding/updating dozens of hotspots and have to change the colour size every single time.)

  • #2
    In relation to sharing only the tour and not the folder I've noticed that if I add "?embed" to the end of the share link then it seems to remove the ability for people to navigate back into the project folder. This is definitely our preferred behaviour, so if there was a way to make it the default or some sort of option when people click the share icon that would be great. Is there any difference otherwise in the quality or functionality of the tour when shared as embedded?

