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Workflow tips for iToo products?

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  • Workflow tips for iToo products?

    As we are moving to the cloud for all our rendering, I'm noticing a few things pop up here and there. How do iToo products work with the cloud and what is supported and unsupported? When exporting, the iToo objects are collapsed down into geometry correct? They do not stay live iToo objects such as Rail Clone or Forest?

    We use RailClone to scatter our parking lots, but the rendering on the cloud isn't correct. See below for our setup. How could we best set this up to be able to use it on the cloud?

    The main setup, it uses the material randomizer to randomize between car paints. The top randomizer has the most popular colors, and the bottom randomizer has the less popular colors. This gives us a normalized distribution of color colors for large parking lots.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cars-1.jpg
Views:	247
Size:	63.0 KB
ID:	1181327
    The materials
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cars-2.jpg
Views:	208
Size:	37.7 KB
ID:	1181328

    The local render, the cars appear the way they are supposed to be.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cars-3.jpg
Views:	207
Size:	233.2 KB
ID:	1181329

    The way the cars appear from the cloud, all of the materials are missing.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	cars-4.jpg
Views:	214
Size:	92.9 KB
ID:	1181330

  • #2
    You can't use the Railcone Instancing engine.... Footnote 14: - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


    • #3
      Awesome, thanks for the tip!


      • #4
        Just as a follow up, removing the instancing engine doesn't help for the parking lot set up. It just applies the material ID to the entire car, so that's why it's looking weird. The attached image is from a local render, which mimics what I see on the cloud. In short the cars all use a 20 ID material, and material ID's 1-8 are randomized for the car paint. It also appears that rail clone color isn't supported by the cloud. Does anyone have any ideas on how to best set up a parking lot like this that is compatible with the cloud? I'd like to avoid having a proxy for every car paint for the same model of each car.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	lot1.jpg
Views:	202
Size:	73.8 KB
ID:	1181524

