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Need help to setup scenes for Chaos Cloud

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  • Need help to setup scenes for Chaos Cloud

    Good morning.
    I am a former user of Vray3 for Cinema4D that I used with RebusFarm. After some time with Lumion, here I am again with Vray 6 for Cinema 4D.
    I have a big project to render, and I need help launching 14 plans in the most optimized way in the Chaos cloud. I followed various tutorials but the approach remains unclear.
    The exterior shots contain a lot of vegetation, using cosmos assets, and scatters.
    - Do I have to send in Brute force or lightCache (everything is static in most shots except the camera)? If the calculation is done in Light Cache, do I still need to do pre-sets? Does Chaos automatically calculate prepass like RebusFarm does?
    - Can I run the calculation in progressive mode, blocked for example on a maximum calculation time of 10 minutes, and use denoiser?
    Of course, I will do some tests, but if I could be guided in this process, it will take away some stress.
    Thank you in advance for any help...

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. In your case it will be best if you open a ticket. You request type is in the "3D and rendering help" category. Our support specialists will guide you trough the process there.
    I am not a Cinema 4D specialist but I can give you general advice.

    - Do I have to send in Brute force or lightCache
    Use the default BruteForce/LightCache setup. For Light Cache switch to animation preset
    Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1E25Z7-cZNPgAtqgwxr7-R9zAcottzS16&authuser=0.png
Views:	200
Size:	18.9 KB
ID:	1210490
    You don't need no prepass. The job will be uploaded and rendered on the Cloud and the GI calculations are performed frame by frame. .
    Longer Gi calculation will mean more spent credits.

    Can I run the calculation in progressive mode, blocked for example on a maximum calculation time of 10 minutes, and use denoiser
    You can but it is better to use bucket rendering. Using Denoiser is highly recommended. The default settings of V-Ray 6 work very well in most cases. Don't deviate too much from them.
    Raising the resolution and the maximum subdivs is enough for final renders in most cases.

    It is very important that you send test frames to the Cloud with your desired final settings. By knowing what time(credits) it takes for the sample frames to complete you can make a rough estimation if you need to keep, lower or increase the settings.
    Spend some time testing how much Denoiser you want to use. Heavy denoiser usage can save a lot of render time but could produce blurry images and in very rare cases artefacts. Please check the Cloud's supported features list if you haven't.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thx Vladiimir for your answer. I just sent a message to the support and will follow your tips...

