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apply frame buffer and denoiser settings

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  • apply frame buffer and denoiser settings

    Hi I bought some points for chaos cloud and I am a bit disappointed, at the end of the render two files are generated one EXR and another JPG, the jpg file, is not affected by the frame buffer settings (exposure, curves, luts, ...etc) and neither is applied any kind of denoiser.
    I expected that these changes are applied in the jpg image, but it is not so.

    I can't imagine having an animation with thousands of frames and having to open them one by one to apply these changes in vray's frame buffer.

  • #2
    Hi @kino_unico

    The Chaos Cloud previews only the RGB channel which doesn't include the Color Corrections, the Lens Effects and the Denoise. What leads you to the confusion is that in VFB2 you can preview them in the RGB channel even if they are not saved within it. However, all of them are saved in the effectResult render element.

    As you haven't set any output from the Render Output rollout, you got the default Chaos Cloud output which is the RGB channel as a .jpg and all the render channels saved as a multichannel .exr file. If you want to render a specific image file type you need to set output from the host application.

    Note that you can load the .exr file from the Cloud in the VFB2 (File > Load image) and from there save all the channel as separate images, choosing the file type you prefer (File > Save all image channels to separate files), see here.
    Viktoria Dimitrova |
    Team Lead, Cosmos Asset Creation


    • #3
      Hi viktoria.dimitrova, thank you for replying,
      according to your indications I have had some improvement in the results, but the Luts not applied, it seems that only the denoiser is applied.

      I upload my evidence,

      1. image as it appears on my computer
      Click image for larger version

Name:	test.jpg
Views:	225
Size:	610.0 KB
ID:	1106484

      2. 2. this is the result obtained in chaos cloud
      Click image for larger version

Name:	cam.effectsResult.jpg
Views:	224
Size:	123.5 KB
ID:	1106485

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hi kino_unico,

        The LUT is currently no applied in Chaos Cloud. This logged as CLOUD-1517 to our bug-tracker and we will notify you when we have any progress.

        As a workaround, you can open the .exr file in VFB2, apply the LUT from the Layers, and then save the current channel or as separate files.

        Viktoria Dimitrova |
        Team Lead, Cosmos Asset Creation


        • #5
          thanks, I hope proto cloud has support for LUTS.


          • #6
            HI kino_unico,

            The VFB2 LUT support was added along with the latest Client App 1.15.0 released version.
            Viktoria Dimitrova |
            Team Lead, Cosmos Asset Creation

