Hi There,
I'm having issues with rendering 4D characters with Vray cloud. Normal anima charcters render with no issues, but the 4D characters seem to dis-form like they aren't rigged properly. I've baked the scene so I've done all that, and I've attached the first frame which show they are looking ok, and then a frame further on that show them dis-form.
I could really appreciate some help/answers to this please.
I'm having issues with rendering 4D characters with Vray cloud. Normal anima charcters render with no issues, but the 4D characters seem to dis-form like they aren't rigged properly. I've baked the scene so I've done all that, and I've attached the first frame which show they are looking ok, and then a frame further on that show them dis-form.
I could really appreciate some help/answers to this please.