Would it be possible to have the same file naming as rendering locally in 3ds Max?
At the moment as an example whilst rendering locally for the RGB there is origRGB.0000 and RGB_color.0000.
However on the cloud there is .000 and effectsResult.000.
Not only are the names different, but there’s a difference of 3 and 4 leading zeros.
This becomes an issue if we render some frames locally and some frames on the cloud. Different file naming means that compositing programs like AE don’t recognise all the frames as one sequence. So we have to manually rename sometimes hundreds if not thousands of files so they all match.
Would it be possible to have the same file naming as rendering locally in 3ds Max?
At the moment as an example whilst rendering locally for the RGB there is origRGB.0000 and RGB_color.0000.
However on the cloud there is .000 and effectsResult.000.
Not only are the names different, but there’s a difference of 3 and 4 leading zeros.
This becomes an issue if we render some frames locally and some frames on the cloud. Different file naming means that compositing programs like AE don’t recognise all the frames as one sequence. So we have to manually rename sometimes hundreds if not thousands of files so they all match.