Here's a flesh test after I tried boring 3D vray flesh material:
(model is from 3d cafe or turbosquid, don't remember) Don't mind rendertimes as they are rendered while I was doing tons of other testrenders.

Below are some juice tests in different lighting situations. No material settings were tweaked (at least not very much)! I took some pictures similar to these setups and juice comes out pretty good if I compare the renders with them. GI is ON everywhere.
Skylight+vraylight(plane)+box with vraylightmaterial

Skylight only

Trying to recreate flashlight pointed at the glass+caustics (notice the artifacts at the edges)

Same but no caustics (affect shadows for fog is on)

Flashlight in low position+caustics

Flashlight from the top (don't remember if I had caustics on here)

Artifacts on the juices edge are usually because of lightmapping. I'm doing more test on how to get rid of the dark border around the juice edge (although it's also there in the real life, but not in such a weird way).
Caustics seem to work much better than before! The max density parameter works great.
Here's a flesh test after I tried boring 3D vray flesh material:
(model is from 3d cafe or turbosquid, don't remember) Don't mind rendertimes as they are rendered while I was doing tons of other testrenders.

Below are some juice tests in different lighting situations. No material settings were tweaked (at least not very much)! I took some pictures similar to these setups and juice comes out pretty good if I compare the renders with them. GI is ON everywhere.
Skylight+vraylight(plane)+box with vraylightmaterial

Skylight only

Trying to recreate flashlight pointed at the glass+caustics (notice the artifacts at the edges)

Same but no caustics (affect shadows for fog is on)

Flashlight in low position+caustics

Flashlight from the top (don't remember if I had caustics on here)

Artifacts on the juices edge are usually because of lightmapping. I'm doing more test on how to get rid of the dark border around the juice edge (although it's also there in the real life, but not in such a weird way).
Caustics seem to work much better than before! The max density parameter works great.