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First image post - C&C please

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  • First image post - C&C please

    This job is coming along pretty well, but I thought I'd come to the experts for some tips. Materials need some work. They are essentially placeholders until the arch comes up with colors, stone, shingle, etc. Also, there will be plenty of entourage eventually - nothing there yet.

    I'm interested in any C&C you can give me - especially having to do with lighting, mats and render settings.


    (Also - what do you think of render times? Using 2 PCs and DR.)
    J. Scott Smith Visual Designs

  • #2
    cool stuff man. How did you do the background? I also like your glass reflection although maybee slightly overdone

    I dont know where the grain comes from but maybee a lower noise value in QMC would clear this up

    the lack of ridge capping on the roofs stands out a bit to me although with shingles im not sure how they do this so maybee its right.

    I think overall the brightness and contrast of the building is pretty good but with a blue background you may see a bit more blue in the image.

    Where did the weird blue on the ground near the entry come from? I know its a minor issue but clients always pick up on things like this and overlook all of the good work ...even if its only a preliminary image.

    keep it up, should look great when done. Im definatly no expert so maybee the real ones can say more!

    BTW render times a much faster than they should be IMO....lowering the noise threshold in QMC may take it twice as long, but no grain.


    • #3

      Thats a nice model you've got there.

      Some things that caught my eye,

      - Your water is very bright, maybe you can make a bit more blue instead of white.

      - The images look a little too dark in the sunlit areas, try increasing your light multiplier.

      - In the second image the glass is very dark, should'nt the sky reflect in there ?

      Overall a nice job, you have nice indirect lighting

      A full render queu is a thing of beauty !


      • #4
        You're right, the water is WAY too white! Sometimes I miss the obvious things.... I think it's because the reflectivity is jacked up to high.

        Primary light is sunlight, so I can't play with its settings. Maybe an exposure thing.

        Not sure why some glass gets lots of reflections, and others are dead. I'm thinking maybe a dead spot in the HDRI. Planning on swapping one out as a test.

        There is a lot of grain, isn't there? I'm using QMC+LM. Oops, make that QMC+LC - takes some getting used to. I like the look, except for the grain. Not as "soft" as IR tends to be. Plus, I don't have to spend forever tracing down IR splotches and artifacts. I'll keep playing with QMC settings. Not sure if I can get that noise out of there while keeping render times reasonable. Has anyone done a test comparison between QMC and IR for render time and appearance with similar quality (lack of grain, splotches, etc) on an exterior?? I have started some tests, but not enough time.

        You're right about the missing ridge caps. I'm leaving some details off for now. If shots aren't real close, I may just paint them.

        I know about the weird blue in that gutter. It's a head scratcher. Curve is a loft. Some of the faces (where it's blue) are not showing. Like they are transparent, or normals flipped. Anyone seen this before? I'm planning on relofting.

        Thanks guys! Keep it coming.
        J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


        • #5
          Nice start. One question where did you get your stone texture from?


          • #6
            I believe that is one of the textures that came with VIZ. (Ashlar, perhaps?)
            J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



            • #7
              For a little clarification, and to get suggestions for where to improve:

              Lighting is IES Sun with vrayshadow, no skylight, HDRI in VIZ environment, and in VRay Reflect/Refract. Tweaked sun color a smidge.

              GI is QMC (1.0) + LC (0.

              QMC: 8
              LC: 1000 / 0.03

              AA: Adaptive QMC (1 / 4) / Catmull-Rom filter
              QMC Samp: 0.85 / 0.005 / 8 / 4

              Color map: Linear mult
              Dark: 0.5
              Bright: 1.0

              Exposure: Log
              B=60 / C=100 / M=1.0 / PS=92000 (matches sun) / Ext. daylight

              Grass is displaced - everything else modeled.

              On the rear shot, I adjusted levels slightly in PS to bring out the image since it is in shadow. On entry, only PS was a minor grey point shift. No PS on Front view other than adding background sky.

              Any suggestions??????? Open to anything!

              Thanks for the input.
              J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



              • #8
                Coming along nicely Scott!

                I would say that you have a little too much color bleed onto the white parts of the image (mainly from the grass) I'd decrease the GI saturation to .5 or .25

                To decrease the noise, try decreasing the QMC sampler noise threshold to .002 and increase the samples to 16. That will smooth it out a bit, but it will increase render time.

                You could also try disabling viz log exposure control and just rely on vray's color mapping. I've never had much luck with the log exp. control and vray, but that could be me and my inexperience

                looking forward to more!
                The Revitlution


                • #9
                  Just an update. Still plenty to do.

                  J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                  • #10
                    It's been a while since I posted on this project. It's been on the backburner waiting for client color/arch decisions, etc. Got approval of view from client last week. This is what I'll send them when it's done. Hope to finish in the morning.

                    Still time for C&C .... maybe.

                    J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


