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small restaurant/café

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  • small restaurant/café

    here´s another quick project from me.

    the post editing is very poor due to short time.
    you can se that curtains and food are "floating" and the ps-people dont fit in too good.

    I also have some light coming through where the ceiling meets the wall. inte the darker one theres som splotches. (always render with preset very low or low.)
    some of the white materials are overbright too (I never learn)

    the darker one was too "cold" according to the client.

    rendered with 1.09. upgraded yesterday though
    C&C are welcome.

  • #2
    your white cups and vases look like they are glowing and lit from the wrng way. and some poles look like they dont make it all the way to the roof but cool image

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      I'm not sure wich one I like better
      I like all the nick nacks, and small lights.

      Nice job verkktah!
      speedtree is evil

