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Threadripper 2 for Cuda

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  • Threadripper 2 for Cuda

    Im having a hard time finding a direct comparison between threadripper2 and the latest gpus whem rendering in cuda mode. I have seen suggestions that speeds are comparable. Can anyone confirm?

    I have also seen an older article which stated that a sceme rendered in cuda on a threadripper,, went significantly quicker than the same render in Cpu mode. Not sure if they were talking about full vray, or cpu mode of vray gpu.

  • #2
    I have 2990wx and did these kind of tests for myself last year. 2990wx times on cuda were +-10% of 1080Ti for the same scene.

    Now to the CPU 2990wx vs GPU cuda 1080TI that`s something way different. I tested it on some older production scenes, game cinematic setup,mb, dof etc, heavy scenes(textures, polycout). I found that to get me to same noise threshold(both eyeballed visually and comparable samples) , 2990wx CPU was about 3 faster then GPU 1080TI . 7 min vs 21min.

    I don`t have recent 20xx RTX generation so i don`t know how that compares, but maybe you can extrapolate from the above..
    Last edited by psanitra; 13-02-2019, 02:21 AM. -

    Peter Sanitra - -


    • #3
      Originally posted by psanitra View Post
      I have 2990wx and did these kind of tests for myself last year. 2990wx times on cuda were +-10% of 1080Ti for the same scene.

      Now to the CPU 2990wx vs GPU cuda 1080TI that`s something way different. I tested it on some older production scenes, game cinematic setup,mb, dof etc, heavy scenes(textures, polycout). I found that to get me to same noise threshold(both eyeballed visually and comparable samples) , 2990wx CPU was about 3 faster then GPU 1080TI . 7 min vs 21min.

      I don`t have recent 20xx RTX generation so i don`t know how that compares, but maybe you can extrapolate from the above..
      thanks for the reply..

      im quite surprised that its only equivalent to a 1080ti in cuda.. im basing my surprise on a review i saw that compared older 16 core threadripper to 1080 TI, using cuda.. and found similar speeds.. cant find it now.

      when you say "cpu is another matter" are you referring to full vray, or cpu version of RT gpu.

      if its full vray, its nice to see it soundly beating rt gpu.. life in the old dog yet..


      • #4
        yes, I was refering to regular vray. It beast the GPU,3x yes Ultimately if you not doing cg for fun, it comes down do efficiency/cost. For single workstation usage, CPU and GPU can get quite close. Vray CPU 2990WX render rig cost very roughly 5000$. Rendering equivalent of vray GPU will be 3x1080TI and other harfware parts can come close to 5000$ too. Feature wise, i`m not sold on Vray GPU,far from it. And i would rather sit on 32 amd cores then on 3x gpu. Becuase i can utilise them in other tasks.
        I`m running google cloud rendeing farm myself, using linux and deadline. And when it comes to price/efficiency, CPU is the king. Cpu render power is dirt cheap. Actually so cheap that licencing costs are higher then cpu render cost time itself. I run also GPU instances on cloud with Tesla P100s, and same results aplly. For the same shots, aka rendering 1000frames long animation, that is noise clean, CPU renders it in half cost compared to GPU.

        At the end it all comes to how you work, what kind of jobs you render, what`s you`re turnaround time, infrastructure, company size etc. For me CPU wins, but that`s just my 5cents, what works for me, may not work for others. -

        Peter Sanitra - -


        • #5
          interesting insight peter.
          is your google cloud farm set up by you? how do the costs compare to vray cloud - which seems expensive.
          i do projects with 1000's of frames, long form CG stuff so render costs really kill me. Recently completed rendering 70,000 HD frames with render times of between 10 mins and 2 hrs....brutal

