A small classic villa just completed, it is the first classic project I've made with Vray5 for Cinema4D and almost everything worked flawlessly, I've yet to use it on complex interiors though
One thing that still need to be improved is the denoiser, I was forced to use a rather low AA threshold to get a clean image.
Since I had a few spare credits on my Chaos Cloud account I've also used the service for a couple image and it worked definitely better compared to the old version.
All views are lighted with a physical sun except for the cloudy image lighted with an HDR(I've made this just for fun), to get the look I've used mostly VFB2 tools plus some minor correction in PS.
It was a very quick job and it can definitely be improved so any constructive critics will be appreciated

One thing that still need to be improved is the denoiser, I was forced to use a rather low AA threshold to get a clean image.
Since I had a few spare credits on my Chaos Cloud account I've also used the service for a couple image and it worked definitely better compared to the old version.
All views are lighted with a physical sun except for the cloudy image lighted with an HDR(I've made this just for fun), to get the look I've used mostly VFB2 tools plus some minor correction in PS.
It was a very quick job and it can definitely be improved so any constructive critics will be appreciated
