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  • Landrover

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Landrover original v1.jpg
Views:	319
Size:	1.87 MB
ID:	1108092 Planning to update the materials on the landrover, but any crits on the shot?

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  • #2
    Looking good but I notice a few things. Personally I think the blur is a bit much.
    The backplate has got some jaggies going on where it meets the sky, so needs a better/higher res image I think. The colours look a bit wrong to me also.
    Could try introducing some sky colour as it looks a little too exposed.
    Some more break up of the ground would add to it I think...some muddy bits...few bigger rocks/rubbly bits/weeds
    I think your tyres need to be chunkier, maybe they are correctly modeled...I'm no tyre expert.... but not the right sort for this terrain I reckon
    Could add some squashing to them also, where they meet the ground...always looks good.

    With composition, I would move the focus to the right, as currently the Rover is pushed off too much to the side, leaving that open space to the right with little in it.
    Possibly 'hero it up' a bit, so a lower camera, wheels turned the other way for some dynamism maybe...

    Will look forward to an updated muddy model


    • #3
      I agree with the above comments, also It feels like you've been a little too timid with the wear and tear, you've put some rust on it but its very soft and its a very clean landrover Have some fun with it, make it look like its driven.
      The wheel arch metal looks really thin and sharp, are there bevels on the edge?
      The whole image needs a little more contrast in my opinion, run it through the camera raw filter in photoshop if you have it, add a bit of the clarity slider for starters.

      Good job thou


      • #4
        Thanks for the comments. Does need roughing up a bit the land-rover! It's an old model that I'm revisiting in substance painter so it will be a lot worse for wear once that's done.

        fixeighted - it's actually all 3d, except the mountains which I'll try and get some better texture maps for. I'll try and model some better tyres I think.

        francomanko - yes agreed with the wheel arches.
        Here's the first version.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	landrover 1st draft.jpg
Views:	292
Size:	970.6 KB
ID:	1108110
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        • #5
          I think it is very good on the modeling indeed! But the shot, with so much depth of field, feels like you are shooting a toy. The mountains in the background are also kind of odd. See example below.


          • #6
            Just came here to say I love it!

