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Store Concept

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  • Store Concept

    One of my latest works, it's a concept for a store.
    All modeled in Cinema4D by me except mannequin, bags and shoes from Evermotion (I've rebuild all their shader since they were terrible), I've started the project in Vray 5 but I've done some quick views in 5.1 too. Post production done 99.5% in VFB and 0.5% in PS.
    Metal shaders from my bundle and some fabric shader from my upcoming fabric collection.
    Hope you like it and as always comments and critics are welcome

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store1r def.jpg
Views:	405
Size:	1.29 MB
ID:	1118054Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store2r def.jpg
Views:	377
Size:	1.01 MB
ID:	1118053Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store3r def.jpg
Views:	411
Size:	815.5 KB
ID:	1118052
    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
    @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter

  • #2
    A couple tests with a slightly different mood, let me know which one do you prefer

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store2ra def.jpg
Views:	391
Size:	1.01 MB
ID:	1118056Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store1ra def.jpg
Views:	401
Size:	1.30 MB
ID:	1118057

    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
    @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


    • #3
      Some other views and a crop from a full resolution render:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store5.jpg
Views:	403
Size:	610.4 KB
ID:	1118061Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store6.jpg
Views:	409
Size:	540.8 KB
ID:	1118059Click image for larger version

Name:	vista store4.jpg
Views:	396
Size:	768.6 KB
ID:	1118060Click image for larger version

Name:	crop1.jpg
Views:	369
Size:	855.6 KB
ID:	1118062
      3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
      NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
      @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


      • #4
        These are really really good of course...definitely the second mood works better imo but it's subjective as always.


        • #5
          Thanks a lot! I prefer the second mood too
          3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
          NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):

          @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


          • #6
            bloody hell that looks awesome congrats
            Love your shaders!
            Ayn chance porting them to max? Perhaps we woudl be able to rebuild them using the textures youre using if we bought the collection?


            • #7
              Originally posted by PIXELBOX_SRO View Post
              Love your shaders!
              Ayn chance porting them to max?
              We have already done that, the bundle for Max is ready, we are building the product page right now

              3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
              NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
              @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


              • #8
                There's an alternative version too:

                3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                • #9
                  These look great! Do you use any denoising?

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vlado View Post
                    These look great! Do you use any denoising?

                    Best regards,
                    Thanks a lot Vlado!
                    Overall Vray is awesome but to be honest the denoiser is one of the features that needs to improve on the Cinema4D version (this have been reported a few months ago: so hopefully it will be fixed ). Because of that on version 5 I tend to use a rather low threshold (up to 0.005) coupled with a very mild denoiser, otherwise all texture details will disappear.
                    On Vray 5.1 update just released we have the Intel denoiser that does a better job (I've used that for the detail views), seems very nice for the stills but not suitable for animations. I hope the standard denoiser quality will be back like it was on Vray 3.7 so that we can use higher threshold and reduce render time.
                    Other than that I'm really happy with Vray for Cinema4D and I really appreciate all the hard work from developers

                    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                    @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                    • #11
                      If you mean the ability to denoise the lighting elements separately, there is a way to do it manually by adding the necessary render elements and checking the denoising option just for the elements you want (GI, lighting, reflections) and then recomposing back the result in the frame buffer. It's a bit more work to set up but offers more control. This works for the V-Ray denoiser and also with the OptiX/Intel denoisers.

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vlado View Post
                        If you mean the ability to denoise the lighting elements separately, there is a way to do it manually by adding the necessary render elements and checking the denoising option just for the elements you want (GI, lighting, reflections) and then recomposing back the result in the frame buffer. It's a bit more work to set up but offers more control. This works for the V-Ray denoiser and also with the OptiX/Intel denoisers.

                        Best regards,

                        As far as I can tell the problem is not in the ability to denoise render elements separately, it almost looks like the standard denoiser doesn't read the channels needed for denoising (diffuse filter, world normal, etc) and therefore is unable to retain texture/bump details.
                        Here is an example, this is a quick test just made using the Intel denoiser, it took less than a couple minutes and despite the high noise threshold (0.150) it is still able to get decent details. Now, no matter what settings you use (default or custom) with the standard denoiser, it is impossible to get texture detail like that unless you use 0.005 coupled with a very small amount of denoising.
                        As already said in the dedicated thread I will be more than happy to provide scene to investigate the issue

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	esempio noise.jpg Views:	0 Size:	372.3 KB ID:	1118371
                        3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                        NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                        @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                        • #13
                          Here is an example using the standard denoiser in mild mode (a custom setup doesn't help that much), even using a much lower threshold (0.01 VS 0.15) and of course much longer render time you lose a lot more details.


                          Click image for larger version

Name:	esempio noise2.jpg
Views:	342
Size:	261.6 KB
ID:	1118395

                          Raw image 0.01 threshold:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	esempio noise1.jpg
Views:	314
Size:	336.5 KB
ID:	1118396
                          3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                          NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                          @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter

