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Povazska Bystrica

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  • Povazska Bystrica

    Hello Chaos,

    more images on

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Povazska_bystrica_2_5k.jpg
Views:	491
Size:	913.2 KB
ID:	1119873

    This image is a small childhood memory. We used train to visit grandparents and family in a small village in Slovakia. We had always to use 2 trains, express train first and later a local train which stops in all villages on a train route.
    Povazska Bystrica is name of city where we waited for that local train. Especially in winter this station had its own foggy/dirty atmosphere. There was 2 ways how to wait. Inside of the railway station which was sometimes occupied with old drunk guys from local railway restaurant.
    Or wait outside to see those iconic E499 locomotives in action - first electric locomotives in our country. Outside part of railway station had a one special feature - stink. Stench spread from local men's toilet, which was nothing fancy in that time. Instead of urinal there were just 4 tiled wall and a canal in the ground around those walls.
    The smell around this toilet was something which haunt me until present.. But now back to 3d :

    When I started to work on this image, first I wanted to use my 3d model of locomotive I did 16year ago (image below) and create just some nice materials in Substance Painter.
    But when I saw my modelling/mapping skill from 2005 - I decided to start from scratch What was interesting, 3dsmax opened this 16yrs old scene without problem, just Scanline renderer which I used then is missing now.

    Image created with 3dsmax,Vray,Substance Painter,Forest Pack, After Effects. For people I used great Chaos Cosmos.

  • #2
    Very impressive work and very 'painterly', reminding me very much of Edward Hopper.
    Excellent modelling and texture work, especially the foreground train's unevenness.
    Lighting is awesome, detailing is flawless, snow is...very snowy and dirty and just completes the mood....I can smell the scene very nicely, based on your description lol
    So, you got it all...very cool


    • #3
      Yeah really nice work, well done


      • #4
        Fantastic images, the level of detail is amazing!


        • #5
          Absolutely fantastic. Got a wireframe or viewport screenshot you could share? Always love seeing how people construct things.
          Check out my (rarely updated) blog @

          Cache nothing. Brute force everything.


          • #6
            wow, very very nice… I wish I would have done this…


            • #7
              Hey guys, thank you for all nice comments.
              #Macker : here is viewport
              Click image for larger version

Name:	povazska_bystrica_viewport.jpg
Views:	327
Size:	1.19 MB
ID:	1120201
              Attached Files


              • #8
                What a great, cinematic mood and feeling. One can see that you put a lot of effort and heart into it. I love the little back story, thanks for sharing it with us
                + that squatting guy on far right haha

                Great worK!
                My Artstation
                Whether it is an advantageous position or a disadvantageous one, the opposite state should be always present to your mind. -
                Sun Tsu

