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vray and fog, smoke and fire creation

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  • vray and fog, smoke and fire creation

    Hello. I work on c4d and I would like to create nice fogs and clouds in my work. I did not find any good tutorials. I only found plugins like realflow and turbulenceFD. But I don't know how to combine them with a stage where there are vray materials, vray lights. How to combine it? Please give me some tips. I am a beginner in this topic, so I am asking for simple descriptions. Thanks

  • #2
    Hello pendzik

    Environment fog and Areal Perspective can do a lot in Vray, it is what I use in most cases. Do you have a reference for what you are trying to achieve?

    Here is a good example of volumetrics,

    Andre made a video about his workflow here,


    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #3

      Hello. Thanks for answer. I uses aerial perspective and environment fog. I want to get irregularities in the fog, such fog streaks in the frame. Do you know how to make things like this with vray? like creating cigarette smoke or steaming coffee from a cup? I have a problem with how to create and render such things with vray. Or how to combine rendering with vray of work effects in e.g. realflow or turbulence. Thank you for your attention


      • #4
        Originally posted by pendzik View Post
        like creating cigarette smoke or steaming coffee from a cup?
        Vray's Volume Grid supports .vdb files that Realflow uses, it will be part of how your approach this. I can give this a try with Houdini, then render in Vray C4D and get you a file
        I don't have access to Realflow or Turbulance at the moment


        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist


        • #5
          On another note you used the wrong forum section, posting in the C4D section will get you more answers from the C4D users
          Muhammed Hamed
          V-Ray GPU product specialist


          • #6

            Muhhamed, thank you so much again for paying attention to me. You are just slowly explaining to me my problem which was not knowing how to connect plugins like realflow and vray. you wrote about vraygridvolume and vdb files. How it's working? Do you have any tutorials to show? Does it rely on importing a vdb file into vray? I am a very beginner in combining techniques. Have a nice day. Again thank you very much.
            best regards


            • #7
              Hey pendzik

              Here is a C4D file with a good Volume grid smoke example,


              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_31.jpg
Views:	655
Size:	64.8 KB
ID:	1122733

              This is a very good tutorial on Volume Grid in Vray, it is going to be helpful


              you wrote about vraygridvolume and vdb files. How it's working?
              You go to input tab and load a supported format, .VDB .AUR .F3D
              Then you use these parameters to control smoke, have a play with these. I used the GPU RTX engine for my scene but the IPR doesn't update sadly you will need to restart the render every time

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_29.jpg
Views:	695
Size:	23.5 KB
ID:	1122731

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_30.jpg
Views:	646
Size:	93.2 KB
ID:	1122732

              If you have more questions let me know, have a lovely day as well

              Muhammed Hamed
              V-Ray GPU product specialist


