I'm a bit confused over the possiblilites of using VRayVolumeGrid without any simulation software such as Pheonix. I know the primary purpose of VRayVolumeGrid is to interpret VDB or other simulation cache data, but I wondered if it's possible to apply a volumetric effect to a mesh using VRayVolumeGrid.
What I'm aiming to do is create a simple mist / jet form, it doesn't need to be massively high fidelity at the moment, just more locaction specific than VrayEnvironmentFog. I do have Tyflow and have created a mesh that I'm fairly happy with for the general shape of the jet, though I unsure how this can be exported to VDB format currently, or even if it would contain the relelvant data to use with VRayVolumeGrid.As an aside I note that the TyMesher Blobmesh uses OpenVDB so I'm sure there must be a way to use it....
Any alternative suggestions welcome for a mist/fog shader welcome, reference image below
What I'm aiming to do is create a simple mist / jet form, it doesn't need to be massively high fidelity at the moment, just more locaction specific than VrayEnvironmentFog. I do have Tyflow and have created a mesh that I'm fairly happy with for the general shape of the jet, though I unsure how this can be exported to VDB format currently, or even if it would contain the relelvant data to use with VRayVolumeGrid.As an aside I note that the TyMesher Blobmesh uses OpenVDB so I'm sure there must be a way to use it....
Any alternative suggestions welcome for a mist/fog shader welcome, reference image below