A fun little project finally completed and included initially at their daily events in Dubai over the last week.
We produced this as the first completed draft, expecting feedback and potential changes, however it was
approved on first viewing, which rarely occurs, so that's nice

There are not too many elements in this, though they did produce some significant challenges as I iterated, mainly with the sheer volume of
instances and managing their art-directed growth, as well as the landscape, which was the first time I attempted such a task, especially on that scale.
Initially I was testing Tyflow for the foliage but that proved impossible, oddly, though it looked great.
I used Forest ultimately, which was in comparison was very simple and controllable with ease.
Great thanks to damaggio for initial help and inspiration stemming from his Lidar-enabled Monument Valley project post.
In the event, the landscape is fairly obscured but its detail and scale was necessary in any case I think.
As usual, we used Vantage so that my collaborator (the cameraman/editor) could work up the camera moves separately, as he has no knowledge of Max.
Vantage is a great tool for him, given its relative simplicity and he is in his virtual element using it to do these things.
It was a little painful trying to get the mesh proxy exports working for him, but it all worked out in the end.
Anyway, feel free to nitpick and critique/suggest. Although it's all done it'd be good to hear thoughts
